
Global Warming. Is It True?

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I'm doing a debate.

We are on the Negative side -- that global warming isn't occurring. I believe global warming is a hoax. However, my partner does not. She's stuck on the ice caps melting and polar bears dieing.

If anyone knows any facts about global warming, and why it's not true please post. Also, any helpful websites would be wonderful.

Thank you.




  1. OMG What a bunch of idiots answering you.  Yes global warming is happening.  Please, read a f@#$%&% book!!

  2. Yes, and it's caused in part by man. Overpopulation is a factor and a bigger issue than Global Climate change.

  3. global cooling is supposedly happening now. have an  arugement that instead of warming up, the earth might have another ice age

  4. If you have to 'believe' then it isn't science, it's faith.

    No one argues what the speed of light is.

    No one can predict the future.  No one can say that it will be warmer or colder in the future.  If they do, ask them to show you they came to their conclusion.  They won't be able to.

  5. First, You need to be clear, the other side has a burden of proof.  Science does not speculate.  Also state the earth has warmed, and CO2 has an impact, but scientist still resale over catastrophic results.  

    1.  Research the Mann hockey stick debacle.

    2.  From that use the IPCC 1995 chart that shows temperature higher in the MWP than today.

    3.  Ask your opponent what caused the earth to warm prior to 1940.

    4  Ask you opponent if water vapor is a positive because it is a greenhouse gas, or if water vapor is a negative feedback because of cloud cover?

    Search water vapor feedback.

    After they say they do not know, say scientists do not know either.  In the alarmist models water vapor positive feedback accounts for 3 to 4 times the temperature change.  Research this hard, Say with out proof water vapor is a positive feedback, you have no global warming.  You might have to explain how water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse effect.

  6. Boy... i did the same thing! but I wrote a 29 minute speech and delivered it

    I wrote a speech on it and it is available here

    This shows that humans are not causing global warming.  I promise you this will not e wasted time!

  7. The problem is we don't understand the climate enough. We cant predict the weather correctly most of the time but we are suppose to believe we can predict the climate 50 years from now.

  8. actually global warming is happening, no matter what people "believe"

  9. There is a natural warming trend right now that is part of a cycle.  Those videos of the polar bears on the "melting ice caps" were taken in summer!  A lot of it is a hoax and a plot to shut down the american machine.  I'm all for being conservative with our resources, but the warming trend will continue no matter what we do because it is not caused by  us.  I remember in second grade (1984) they told us by 2005 there would be no air left because all the rain forests would be gone!  Ha ha!  

    Do you know the next thing they want to do is to control our thermostats by satellite!?!?  It's getting more and more like big brother all the time.

  10. Ask your partner if they have ever been to the polar region in winter?  If not I suggest you go to Baker Lake, Canada in January and tell me global warming is upon us.

    The polar bears survived every global warming event for the past 50,000 years.  Why will this one be any different?

    Please see the film "The great global warming swindle."  It is available online.  Many of my friend who truly believed in global warming saw it and changed their minds.  This is a myth perpetuated by a very caring, but not very smart public.

    We are in a bubble as a civilization.  These bubbles are driven by myths and the prevalence of mass media.

    Myth #1 - We are all going to be severely affected by Y2K.

    Result - Misallocation of billions to a problem that wasn't real

    Myth #2 - Business cycles have ended; the stock market will always go up.

    Result - Stock market crash of 2000-1

    Myth #3 - Housing prices never fall

    Result - Massive overinvestment in housing resulting in housing crash

    Myth #4 - We are running out of food and oil

    Result - Starvation, lack of investment in energy infrastructure, eventual oil price collapse and many who invests in green technology will be broken (it already happened in the 70's)

    Myth #5 - Man caused global warming

    Result - Massive investment in reducing greenhouse gasses will skew economy and result in green bubble which will pop

  11. obviously it is a hoax

  12. Not only is it not true it is a scam to scare people into paying higher taxes and accepting government control over their lives. Some good websites for you to research.

  13. Yes.  Its so sad and frustrating how many selfish and ignorant people out there that refuse to believe and literally get angry when its brought up.  Whats wrong with caring about the environment?  Do you think its right to pollute the planet and ruin it because we think nothing happens?  The climate is changing and we're almost at the point where its too late because we're more concerned with money, power and wars... A lot of people refuse to believe it b/c its too big of a reality for them to handle that we're destroying the planet and its mankinds fault.  Its easier to deny it and not care then take responsibility and at least show a little respect and realize that the planet is alive like us.

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