
Global Warming: Is the main problem in understanding it about "Creationalism"?

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Earlier I posted the question of "isn't the Earth supposed to be warming up after leaving an ice age," and someone complained that the current warming was unnatural due to man, though I would personally think that humans were perfectly natural creatures and part of the entire nature thing. Then I got to thinking, maybe the problem is that creationalists believe the world to be created and always about the same all the time, disregardning stuff such as dinosaurs, fossil records, changes in environments over time, ice ages, all of that cause everything is somehow always supposed to be perfect and always the same. Anyway, what do you think?




  1. Actually, the more you know about geologic history, the more you should be freaked out by the possibility of man-made global warming.

    If you know geologic history, you know that things do not happen instantly. The climate changes leading up to the Permian extinction, for example, took thousands if not millions of years to kill 95% of life on Earth. But they still killed 95% of life on Earth. And they were completely natural, caused by volcanic activity. That didn't make them any better for the creatures living at that time, nor would they make it any better for us if we found ourselves in a milder version of the same circumstance.

    If you know geologic history, you also know that roughly 99% of all species that have lived on planet Earth are now extinct. More than a few of them have become extinct because of changes they wrought themselves; if a species becomes so successful that it throws its ecosystem out of balance, the result may well be species death.

    Of course things aren't supposed to be "perfect and the same." But if you know geologic history, you ought to realize that changes are particularly deadly to the dominant species on the planet. Ignoring the lessons of geologic history is a very, very dangerous game.

  2. The Global Warming scare is $$  based and has nothing to do with Creationism. Two totally different subjects.

  3. Well you seem to be confused.  I don't believe anyone ever suggested that the climate did not change naturally.  They only said the current warming trend is man-made.

    Of course the scientists know better than to claim the earth is flat, the earth is the center of the universe, or the earth did not change before man got involved.

    I suppose creationists might say the earth never changed naturally, the same as they might say the earth is only 6000 years old.  But I haven't seen that argument.

  4. I really find this sad attempt by deniers to try and drag religion into this debate silly, whether it's calling AGW a religion or this attempt to drag 'creationalism' or is that creationism.

    No reputable scientist has said the world stays the same they are the ones who gave us the theories on ice ages and previous climate change in the first place.

    The Earth have never been static and has had many drastic changes over it's ~4.5billion years but most are a long time happening with the exception of things like super volcanoes and impacts from asteroids. What is happening now is a fast change from the fairly static climate of the last couple of thousand years and the highest probable cause is us.

  5. The Earth does cool and warm in cycles. We are in a warming cycle but the real issue is if humans are accelerating the warming by the years of pollution and greenhouse gases. And if humans are affecting it, what will be the consequences and how do we prevent them? I don't think creationism has much to do with global warming as much as other topics like stem cell research, cloning, and gene altering.

  6. Nope.

    While there have been violent climate changes in the past, we were actually in a pretty stable period, until we messed it up.  Maybe you missed my previous graph, showing the warming after the Ice Age ended about 10,000 years ago.

    The guys below are not what you would call fans of Creationism:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    The "skeptics" remind me of Creationists in their denial of scientific fact.  The Creationist says about scientific evidence "God faked that to test our faith".  The skeptic says "Scientists faked that to get grant money."  Both explanations can be used to deny any scientific facts whatsoever.

    As far as stability goes:

    "We humans have built a remarkable socioeconomic system during perhaps the only time when it could be built, when climate was sufficiently stable to allow us to develop the agricultural infrastructure required to maintain an advanced society."

    The problem with global warming is that our modern society, with massive coastal development and intensive agriculture, is very sensitive to climate change.

  7. What boggles me about Global warming supposedly being about greed and fear mongering, is that environmentalists are offering cheaper solutions in lieu of resources that are going to run out. And Global warming is based on scientific research. The global cooling and warming trends do exist, however, according to those trends we would have entered a cooling trend I believe in the mid 80s sometime. But instead the earth started warming. Scientists found that there were increased numbers of both methane and carbon dioxide particulates in the atmosphere than there had been in previous centuries indicating that some non-natural source had caused the increase. Since industry creates vasts amounts of air pollution, it was an easy culprit to find. And back to the greed thing. Gas has skyrocketed, and Big Oil is profiting, and yet the environmental engineers who are designing hydrogen powered vehicles, satellites, etc, that could potentially decentralize energy, meaning individuals could power their own homes and everything in them by plugging in their car to a power system in their house and thus save millions of dollars; they are the ones greedily profiting off of us? i don't think so.

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