
Global Warming Issues?

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Alright. There are a few questions I have. You don't have to answer all of them.... but please help me.

1) Is it fake? How can it even be fake?

2) I know Al Gore is a hypocrite, but do you think he is actually helping the world?

3) Is there any way to capture particular gases (such as carbon dioxide) from the air?

4) Can carbon dioxide be used to power anything?

5) What are the combustible greenhouse gases?

6) In you opinion, do you think that the US Congress and the people of the White House are trying to help Global Warming's cause?




  1. I suggest you read the book, 'An Inconvenient Book' by Glenn Beck. He claims that all the measures we take as individuals (like using energy efficient appliances and lighting) can't compensate with how much fossil fuels/carbon we burn to make gas/oil for all our conveniences.

    The other aspect about Global warming in the book claims that global warming is a natural process of the universe because temperatures rise and fall but also we have done a great deal of damage with our power plants, burning of carbon dioxide by gas fueling our cars.  I think you have to realize there is a gain behind everything but there are some dangers. Scientists, organizations and government gain from using renewable energy, buying products environmentally friendly etc. However, it never hurts to do everything possible to help the environment because certain animals are nearing extinction because of air, water and land pollution. I believe if each of us do things to help the environment we are contributing to a greater good. In my opinion, once the hybrid cars have been thoroughly tested on their distance mileage and performance that will help to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide gases.  

  2. Man made global warming is a scam being used to scare people into accepting higher taxes and government controls, the congress is using this scam to keep oil prices artifically high to gain politically in the upcoming elections.

    A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth rates. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in minor greenhouse gases like CO2 are in error and do not conform to current experimental knowledge.

  3. 1) No. Its real but its not just caused by us. Nature has done a bit too.

    Note. Al Gore even pointed out in his film that the so called research that claimed global warmng was fake was in fact funded by the corporations who would have to make changes and the US government. None of it was recieved well in peer review and the worlds scientific community has gathered far more factual, peer reviewed data and research that prooves global warming is out of control and a real problem.

    2) well he's making people more aware of the consequences so he's helping a little.

    3)Not sure about capturing them, but there is research in to nanotechnology which could help. Nano Technology is the creation and use of microscopic machines that can among other things make changes to molecules, so theoretically, Nano machines could be developed that are used to break CO2 back down in to oxygen and carbon or to combine the constituent atoms in to other less harm full molecules.

    4)Not sure, but again using Nano tech I'm sure it could be useful for something.

    5)Methane is one not sure if there are any others.

    6) The US Congress and the White house are basically funded by the large corporations who will loose money if they are forced to do anything to stop global warming, so I suspect the only thing they actually do is deploy delaying tactics to any actual policies that could help the cause of global warming.
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