
Global Warming Man-Made?

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I'm not so sure. It may be a normal cycle. The debate isn't over and I disagree with Al Gore when he says that it is.

However, don't you think by big Al raising the awareness of climate change, he has put additional pressure on the development of alternative energy technology such as nano solar power? see

I mean afterall, look what Al did by opening up the Internet. That resulted in the biggest tech boom in history. I see the same thing happening with alternative energy. We all know it's a matter of time before we will be off oil. Don't you think Al will add "getting us off oil sooner than later" to his resume of impressive accomplishments?




  1. global warming is man made!

  2. that means Al gore sends The world to the poor house and millions starve to death because of no oil. Its all al gore fault

  3. The earth is warming's...SUMMER. It finally hit 104 today. 'bout bloody time summer got here. I hate cold weather.

  4. The hoax that it is man-made is certainly man-made.

    If CO2 were really such a deadly gas, wouldn't they have outlawed carbonated drinks by now?

    (Uh oh, that may be next...)

    But the truth is that CO2 is of no danger to anyone.  The AGW consensus is amongst a small group that are paid to keep the hoax alive.  They're like the "flat earth society." They'll never accept real scientific evidence since they are motivated by politics and money.

    Most intelligent people no longer buy the AGW hoax, but surprisingly there are still some who think it's true.  Maybe one day they'll wise up.  Until then the charlatans like Al Gore will continue to sell them swampland and bridges.  Like they say... there's a sucker born every minute.

  5. A little of both, there are natural cycles, but I think that industry and pollution created by humans contributes. But I think the debate should be less "is it real is it not", and you know, political point gaming, I think it should be more practical, how much are we contributing, and what are the ultimate effects going to be, and what practical solutions there are.

  6. There is currently no evidence that man has made any significant contribution to climate change.

    Some interesting facts.

    1. During most of the past 2,000 years, the temp has been about the same or higher. Currently, we are barely over the average for the last 2,000 years.

    2. During the medieval warm period (820 – 1040 AD), Greenland supported farming. Those areas previously farmed are now covered in glaciers. Obviously the melting and reformation of glaciers is a cyclical occurrence.

    3. The earth experienced a little ice age which ended around the late 1860's or so. This is about the time man started recording temperatures. This would be like measuring a lake depth after a severe drought, then worrying about it flooding as it rose to normal levels.

    4. The earth has been warming for the last 18,000 years, since the last major glacier time period. During this time frame, the glaciers have been melting at a fairly consistent rate. Also, for most of the last 1 billion years, the earth had NO glaciers or ice coverage.

    5. The AGW theory states that CO2 is the primary driver of temperature. They arrived at this idea because they did not know of anything else which could cause it. But during the 70's and during the current decade, temperatures dropped while CO2 continued to rise. This means that natural occurrences are driving temp, not CO2.

    6. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sun spots provides a much better correlation to earths' temperature than CO2 levels ever have.

    7. Polar Bears are experiencing a population boom. Coke sales in the arctics are through the roof. Polar Bears have been around for thousands of years, and remember, we are only at the average for the last 2,000 years. They lived through all the previously warmer climates.

    8. Many glaciers are expanding. Even Antarctica is growing on 98% of is land mass. Only 2% is melting.

    9. There is no consensus on AGW. This was a lie that has been propagated by the media.

    10. Yes we emit CO2 into the atmosphere and it is a greenhouse gas, but, we only contribute about .28% of all the greenhouse effect. Water vapor makes up about 95% of the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other trace gases round out the greenhouse gases at about 5% for all of them. Of that 5%, only 3% is CO2, and most of that is natural. Again, our contribution to the greenhouse effect is a paltry .28%

    11. The spread of disease is not attributed mainly to temperature. If this were the case, Florida would be a giant festering disease ridden cesspool. Economic standing is the primary determining factor in the spread of disease. Poor cultures can not fight the disease or eradicate the pests like more successful nations.

    12. Natural climate disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) have never been scientifically linked to global warming (whether natural or man made).

  7. No i dont think Al is resonsible, not at all, the Internet was invented by the US defense department. But it's development and growth was made possible by cheap computers made possible only by capitalism. Two hundred dollar oil will cause alternative forms of energy to be implemented by capitalists, with or without the shrieks of environmentalists or AGW alarmists, it is way the world works.

  8. Well for starters, I agree with those who say the debate (among the experts) as to what is causing global warming is essentially over.  Scientists have ruled out natural cycles as the cause of the current global warming.

    I do agree with you that the increased awareness of climate change has helped us develop alternative energy technologies like solar and wind and electric vehicles.

  9. Well, first off, Al Gore didn't really invent the internet (unless that was meant to be a satirical comment--sorry if it was, one learns to be immune to such concepts as irony and humor, being on Yahoo Answers for so long).

    If it is a normal cycle, skeptics must show what natural variations are causing it. Scientists have already ruled out the sun, a favorite among laymen.

    And yes, the AGW theory does stimulate alternative fuel technology growth.

  10. The world is nowhere close to running out of oil.  Check it out..there is more untapped oil here in Canada than in all the Middle East.  Burning fossil fuels at any rate has nothing to do with climatic events.  Only fools believe otherwise.

    Al Gore has no business trying to get us to use alternate forms of energy, especially when there are none at this time.

    You can't run your car on crazy pipe dreams.  He should shut up and mind his own business...or just fade away.


  12. Scientist have know for the last 60 + years

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    That the sun is getting hotter and hotter

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    Here is an article noting the change as detected by scientist by the Washing times 2004 story 4 years ago and what happen to it got shoved in the back dwar cause it would kill the conservation movement

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  13. What I think is that it is a cycle, our Earth is always changing. But the thing is, we're adding to the problem with our pollution, and burning of fossil fuels.

  14. Al's a politician. He's supposed to be a moron.

    We all know that the earth goes through cycles naturally, but the past 5000 years have been relatively stable, and we'd like to keep it that way.

    We also know that we are adding greenhouse gases (not just CO2, but sulfuric acid, which is much worse).

    You can drop a basketball and predict it will bounce cyclically, but if you kick it, it will still go off flying.

    I think we can't risk upsetting the current climate.

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