
Global Warming Myth Response?

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I have to write a persuasive essay on the following:

Its the year 2058 and we "believed the hype" We did everything advocated by Al Gore and the top scientists in order to reduce the risk of global warming. We drastically raised the fuel economy standards for our cars, increased public transportation, increased recycling efforts, slowed population growth in developing countries, researched and found alternative fuels, signed the Kyoto protocol, stopped eating so much beef, and generally changed our lifestyles.

Now, imagine that we just found out Al Gore was all wrong. It wasn't our actions that caused global warming.. in fact, global warming was just a myth after all. The question is now "Should we be sorry that we did all these things?"

I just need three basic supporting details for my five paragraph formal essay.

So just please give me some of your ideas and thoughts to get me started =]




  1. If these actions were voluntary, then no, we shouldn't be sorry.

    If they were forced upon us by gvmt with the threat of going to jail, losing our income, our liberty, and our life, then yes we should view ourselves as no better than the n**i's of the 1930's.

  2. good grief!

    only in america....

    do they teach 'intelligent design' at your school too?

    risk strategy?

    sorry yahoo wont let me post a link to u tube but go there an search for;

    What's the Worst That Could Happen?

    there is a cool short vid. by a physics teacher that explains it.

    and yes, there would be considerable good effects even if we are being overcautious; a cleaner less stressful more egalitarian world for out grandchildren, lets all cross out fingers!

  3. Josef Goebbels Middle School, eh?

  4. Comparatively speaking, it comes from the same doom and gloom mindset found in Revalations. Additionally, how can there be any reality to something that has not happened? The idea called "Global Warming" is based on the false premise that it "might" happen and has been used to push the same old political ideas of yesterday down the populations throat.

    The ego dynamics of global warming are what?

    1. Thou shalt not drive an SUV

    2. Thou shalt feel guilty for pollution

    3. Thou shalt do all the things the false prophet says

    4. Thou shalt blame thyself for the heat which cometh from the sun

    5. Thou shalt not run hot water and go back to cave man days

    6. Thou shalt not burn any electricity and live in darkness

    7. Thou shalt make thy fellow man to feel guilty if he does not believe he should drive a coke can to work that gets 45 mpg

    8. Thou shalt listen to this politician who knows nothing of science only a few distorted views ABOUT science

    9. Thou shalt put your trash in the container that I designate for you

    10. Thou shalt submit yourself totally and absolutely to the fear I have bestowed upon you as it relates to global warming

    To answer your question from an intellectual point of view, the only folks who should feel remorse or guilt are the folks trying to control others.

    From a personal point of view:

    I am a proud owner of a gas guzzling SUV and will not let a silly gas price force me out of it, I'll just make more money and keep on driving in the safety and comfort I feel no guilt in enjoying.

    Unfortunately for Al Gore, about half the country is smart enough to figure out he has no intellect and is from the animal kingdom. He is entirely too concerned with controlling others to care about the environment.

  5. GW is a scam just look at the people making money from IT. The oil co loves it as their profits have gone from millions to billions . It is pouting it in the backs of the poor.

  6. If the global warming crowd is wrong and there is a high probability of that then we could be pushing ourselves into another ice age that could starve half the world population.

    So it might just be better to suffer some flooding at lower elevations and increased crop yields from the majority of the land mass.

  7. Oh easy...

    Gang crime increased twenty fold because GW was the priority and thousands of innocent people died.

    Dropout rates quadruppled and we now have over one million on welfare due to the fact that teenage parents aren't educated, thereby cannot support their children, simply because the funding for education wasn't there.

    Millions more are on welfare because the alleged global warming factories were shut down due to alleged exhaust fumes adding to that false global warming scam.

    I can continue on and on and on if you wish....

  8. Ok the reason those programs are done are so the government can raise taxes and slap more fees on the citizens. Like emission testing a nice chunk of your paycheck to the government. It increases profits to oil companies as well as others who can supply equipment and accessories to all these stupid programs. Also it creates jobs which helps the economy look good. The only sad part about the whole thing is the leftist actually think man caused global warming (sheep). Very sad.

  9. Are you starting from the hypothesis that all the changes you mention would result in only bad things?  What if there were unforeseen benefits from the lifestyle changes (e.g., decrease in obesity, cleaner air, less general ecosystem stress, less pressure for natural resources)?  

    It seems you are asking a loaded question where you are assuming everything is bad.  Perhaps you could be more positive and then it wouldn't be an issue of "being sorry," it would be an issue of "we did the right thing for the wrong reason."


    The Copenhagen Consensus is from a group of skeptics, headed by Bjorn Lomborg.  For a more balanced view of the possible economic impacts of climate change from people who are not skeptics, see here:

    The bottom line is your report makes little sense.  The IPCC AR4 states there is at least a 90% chance mankind is affecting climate.  It is highly unlikely that in 2058 we will be regretting greenhouse gas output mitigation.  It is far more likely that by 2028 we are regretting that we did not start seriously mitigating greenhouse gas output in 1988.  

    But aside from a marginal decrease in personal convenience, what precisely do you see as the major detrimental effects to society from all the things you mention?

  10. Well the first myth is that if global warming is real, the Kyoto protocol will stop it.

    Secondly, you have greatly reduced the standard of living of the people of the earth.  The developing countries have paid trillions of dollars for nothing.  This money could have been spent combating real life problems.

    People have lost their trust in the environmental movement.  If they have lied about global warming, what other issues are they lying about. People stop paying attentions to the real dangers of the environment like clean air and water.

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