
Global Warming/Natural Disaster Video Project Ideas?

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Well, the thing is, I'm doing this globalization video project for my AP World History class, and I need ideas on what I could do to suggest global warming and natural disasters. Also, the video has to be based on a news broadcast. And I'm revolving it around the film Bruce Almight, for entertainment. Any ideas?




  1. the world getting hotter

    ice melting at north pole

  2. I personally believe that a good idea for these types projects what would come in hand to use would the availability of technology.  You can create a digital story using power-point presentations on slide show or be more sophisticated and advance creating and using a Webquest.  You might ask yourslf "What is a Webquest?"

    Well, a  Webquest is an assignment which asks the web users( which you can sample and give the webpage address to those you're presenting for)  to use the world wide web as means to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge upon a specific topic, as a  Ã¢Â€Âœtrue' webquest as originally designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March.  Webquest requires synthesis of the new knowledge by accomplishing a “tach” after to solve a hypothetical problem or address a real-world, daily life situation.  Simpler web activities designed for web users to investigate and collect new read – the – chapter – and -  complete – the – review – questions.

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