
Global Warming Odd solution...?

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If one of the reasons for global warming is brought about by fresh water diluting the concentration of salt in the ocean... would it not make sense (even if it was preposterous) to dump large quantities of salt into the ocean?

This probably shows my ignorance of the issue at hand... but couldn't we do a little bit by dumping our bottles of sea salt back into the ocean, or even other types of salt?




  1. No you don't have to that.Nature already has that process under control.Why would anyone want to disrupt the natural circulatory properties of the oceans.Salt is washed into the ocean by rain/hydro means from land mass.It's changing the concentration levels that would be detrimental and quite impossible,at least from human influence.Actually the properties of the ocean is one means to dispute the whole GW concept.They can't prove it because the two hemisphere's have been shown to heat and cool at different rates.

  2. This would likely cause more harm than good, as sea life requires a specific amount of salt in the water.

    Additionally, it is not a good solution because the main cause of global climate change is greenhouse gases.  The water problem is very insignificant compared to the real causes.

  3. If you solve this dilema, my gig will be over. Either stay out of the conversation or buy carbon credits.

    Al Gorlioni

  4. although that would make it harder for the ocean to boil into water vapor, it would also melt the ice caps faster.

    Plus, the energy needed to get enough salt in there to make a difference would more than offset this.

    I propose we place in orbit a giant mirror....

  5. you are referring to the problem with the oceanic conveyor. which may (very unlikely) be disrupted by fresh water from melting ice around the Arctic. this could cause rapid cooling of Europe but not global warming its self.

    putting salt back would not do much because the ocean is so big and most salt is taken from oceans anyway.

  6. Global warming is caused by the simple fact that there are more people going to h**l. We are building our own fire. Gettin' warmer up here 'cause it's gettin' hotter down there.

    And yes, I was raised Southern Baptist!

  7. see this is what causes global warming:

    (ok, i'm clearly just kidding ;P)

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