
Global Warming/Other planets?

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Is it true that other planets in our solar system are also warming and if so where can I find the proof?




  1. No that's false. Global warming can only happen in an atmosphere like earths.  

  2. as per the various news it is true and sun is responsible for that following is a google search result site for you you may go through it

  3. [citation needed]

  4. No, it is wrong. Mars had a short phase of warming a few years ago, but cooled down lately, attributed to normal climate oscillations there.

    Other planets are not observed closely enough to make good predictions.

  5. its not necessarily true ,it is true that the sun is growing hotter and that all our planets in the solar system can feel some sort of effects from this but global warming is just the pollution of the ozone and leaving less atmosphere to protect us from the true heat of the sun and not many other planets in the universe have much pollution due to the lack of nobody being around to pollute it lol so everybody else in the universe is just dandy the earth is the only one that is getting screwed up  

  6. No. It is not.

  7. Venus suffered a runaway greenhouse effect many years ago and as a result the temperature has gone up to hundreds of degrees. It has stabilised at that value. I'm not aware of any other planets which are experience any change in longterm conditions.

  8. I think you'll find the temperatures of the other planets have remained pretty stable for billions of years. Venus has the same temperature over almost its entire surface, somewhere in the region of 450c.

    I wouldn't give much credence to the "Mars climate change" story either. One scientist's opinion out of thousands does not make a fact. The fact that he contests the idea that CO2 is a greenhouse gas makes him a pretty shoddy scientist, in my opinion.

    Anyone that thinks CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas should pay a visit to Venus.

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