
Global Warming Question 1 - Warmest year on record?

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What is the warmest year on record? What was the second warmest year?

This is the first of a series of questions on global warming and climate change. Answers must be supported by scientific references (Al Gore and/or Hollywood celebritities don't count), and must be responsive to the question. Violations of this rule will receive negative feed back. The first correct answer, provided supporting references are provided, will get 10 points.




  1. Apparently, in 2005 the record for warmest year (global temperatures) tied with those in 1998. This is according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. This organization cites a number of eminent sources as the basis for their report.

  2. The warmest year on record in the US was 2006, with an average temperature of 55.01°F.  The next warmest year was 1998, averaging 54.93°F, and the third, 1934, with an average temperature of 54.91°F.

    This if from the Mean Annual Temperature from all US Reporting Stations.  I downloaded this data from NCDC of NOAA and came up with these trend curves:

  3. 2005

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