
Global Warming Question...?

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Do you think that global warming has something to do with how cold it has been up here in Minnesota? People around here don't believe in Global Warming because it's so cold.




  1. well the heats can cause storms that produce snow it can also get the jetstream all out off wack

  2. Global Warming can be observed in the early spring.  Here's what you do:

    Get out on your porch and take the temperature on March 1st.

    Then on March 15th, do the same thing.

    And again on March 30th

    Then on April 15th, April 30th, May 15, May 30th, June 15th, and June 30th.

    NOW, take all your data and look at it on a graph.  Extend the graph to the right side all the way to November, and you'll see that by November of that year, we will be at approximately 192 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Honestly, global warming, whether it's happening or not, is not what the wacked out environmentalists want you to believe.  They want you to think that it's because of evil man and businesses, and the answer is to regulate all businesses across the world.  What happens when they do this is the 3rd world countries that are trying to industrialize get *screwed*, can't afford the new "clean" technology, and stay stuck in the 3rd world.

    The truth of the matter is, the earth goes through cycles.  As a matter of fact, hundreds of years ago in the middle ages, it was I believe about 6 or 7 degrees warmer than it is nowadays.  Last I checked there weren't massive factories spewing "evil" CO2 into the atmosphere back then.

    Then it got cold again, then warm, then cold, etc...  Matter of fact, remember in the 70's when we were all going to die because of the next ice age?  Environmentalist alarmists again.  And the funny thing was, they were saying that it was because of CO2 back then... HA!!!

    One thing they're also discovering is that CO2 may not be the cause, but the effect of global temperature.  There's graphs out there that show global CO2 levels for centuries (based on tree growth, etc, I forget how all they can measure it), but it shows the CO2 level trailing the global temperature level by about 100 years.  Which means if it got warmer, CO2 went up, if it got cooler, CO2 went down.

    Another thing, they're claiming that CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause, when in reality, CO2 has a minor greenhouse effect.  Water vapor has a much higher greenhouse effect, and is much more prevalent in the atmosphere in terms of its effect on global temperature.

    In short, you want to know the biggest effect on earth's temperature?  Go stand outside on a hot sunny day, and tell me how you feel.  Then go sit in the shade of a tree.  How do you feel now?  If it can have that big of an effect that quickly, realize that the sun goes through cycles too, when it's more intense than average, or less intense than average.  The more intense the sun, the more energy it puts out, the warmer we get.

    As a matter of fact, about two or three years ago, there was a scientist out there saying "we're about to cool off again within a year or two", and what happened?  It got cold.  What was the basis for his statement?  He watched the solar cycle and knew a cycle of lower solar activity was coming.

  3. Yes, laymen make no distinction between climate and weather. This is nothing new.

    People act like, if global warming is true, that we will never see another day of snow. Not true. They act like Canada will transform, overnight, into a tropical paradise. Not true.

    Anyways, every climatologist, even AGW skeptics, admit the global warming is real. What they debate is the CAUSE.

  4. The two probably have nothing to do with each other.  Minnesota is a cold place.  A one degree rise in temperature over a fifty year period isn't going to suddenly change that.  As hard as it is to believe, your home state gets colder than some parts of Alaska.

    For the past few days, here in North Carolina, the temperature has been outrageous.  Yesterday, I went down from where I live in the mountains to the piedmont, and when I stepped out of the car it was like stepping into a pressure cooker.  I would invite anyone who doesn't believe in global warming to stand on the street corner in Raleigh for a few hours.  I believe that they would change their mind pretty quickly.

  5. One of the predictions of the theory of global warming is the destabilization of some local climates.  Though the global average temperature will rise, there will also be regional climate changes that may include very abnormal cold spells.

  6. Global Warming isn't really going to make it warmer. It causes storms and makes the polar ice caps melt. And it melts the O-Zone layer.

  7. i would say no its just part of a weather cycle is just in a pattern and these things happen. All you have to do is look at Minnesota  weather records from the past.

  8. it goes up gradualy it will b a while thin of it as a glass of cold water  and ice now put 1/3 of of the cup of earth and the cup beaing the earth the1/3 stays about the same tmruter as the water it takes a wile for the water to warmer but the cup beaing all the water in the world

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