
Global Warming? Some basic question....just click here if you feel like answering them.?

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Who causes Global Warming?

Why causes Global Warming?

How causes Global Warming?

Where causes Global Warming?

When causes Global Warming?

What causes Global Warming?




  1. People (who) cause global warming now (when) by burning cheap (why) fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases (what) which accumulate in the atmosphere (where) and trap heat (how).

  2. us, mostly the first world. currently 80% of all the extra CO2 in the atmosphere was put up there by the first world.


    not sure what you are asking for the "why" "how" "where" "when".


    greenhouse gasses. these cause the earth to retain more heat and warm. the bulk of human greenhouse gas emissions are in the form of CO2

  3. I think the web of who causes global warming closes in on virtually everyone.  By this I mean the industrialized countries are the heaviest polluters of our environment.  The amount of energy consumed by the US, China and other developed states is flabbergasting.  However in the same vein, the third world countries, as they are called, have a role to play in the GW.  Deforestation is rampant in these countries to the extent of desertification.  this will definitely have an effect in the ecological balance as there will be less flora to sequester whatever amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse chemicals

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