
Global Warming Supporters...what is your opinion of this statement?

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Global Warming is a naturally occuring phenomina, of which mankind's overall contribution is insignificant. We did not create it...we can not control it, we can not stop it!




  1. If it is naturally occurring, then an alternate source for the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution would need to be found. Without that mankind is the only answer.

  2. I think that is your opinion and you need to provide some sources and evidence to back up what you are saying.

    You may be right, but then again you may be wrong. We need to look at evidence from both sides before coming to a conclusion.

    I support anthropogenic global warming because so far the evidence points towards the conclusion that it is real.... if you can provide some decent evidence to prove otherwise then that would be helpful.

  3. Global warming is a naturally ocrruing phenomena as are ice ages. The thing is, global warming is happening faster than it ever has in all of the geological records.  Not just faster, like 20X faster.. It's not rocket science.. CO2 and other products humans release into the atmosphere in mass amounts are greenhouse gasses that cause warming. The exosphere can only allow so much of these gasses out into space each year (probably like 5% max). Each year the Earth gets laden with more heat capturing sub surface ozone gasses..   More greenhouse gasses = warmer temps..

  4. Your statement is incorrect. GW is a fact and isnt arguable

  5. It doesn't matter if we are causing it or not.  If it's natural, well, nothing we do will stop it (except maybe "global dimming", Google is your friend).  If it's man made, the cuts required to stabilize CO2 levels where they are now would decimate the economies of developed countries.

    There are 6.7 billion people on the earth, and the earth can absorb about 5 billion tons of CO2/year. That means each person can only make 0.8 ton to stabilize CO2 levels.  Americans make 20, Europeans 10.  Everyone in the first world would have to live like Angolans, which won't happen anytime soon.

    Whether it's natural, or man-made, or a little of both, what will happen will happen.  Preparation offers more promise now than prevention.


  6. My opinion is that it's a false statement.  While global warming *can* be caused by natural forcings and *has been* in the past, that does not mean that humans can't cause it.

    That's like saying humans can't cause forest fires because they were caused naturally before humans existed.  If that's the case, then how do you explain Smokey the Bear?


  7. Yup!

    Although since I stopped using hair spray the hole in the ozone closed back up.

  8. I think you can help to a certain degree but it's almost pointless since it'll catch up anyway (too many people treating the planet badly, there's only a handful of people trying to help). It's not like this is the first time the planet has gotten warmer than usual, though.

    That's not to say we shouldn't at least work on recycling and protecting the environment as much as we possibly can.

  9. Well in some ways He/She who said that is wrong, and in some ways he/she is right. We CAN control global warming, (we just need to stop using all this gas and causing CO2 emissions, etc.) but its highly unlikely that EVERYBODY will start driving Prius cars and stop using their lawn mowers just to save the Earth. the only way to stop global warming, is for everybody to work together. No one man can stop global warming, or 100 people, or even a thousand. It takes everyone.

  10. Go to some rural areas in China. Then study a world map of global warming.

  11. Death is a natural occurring phenomena too, but that doesn't mean the timing of it cannot be influenced by outside events.    Would an oz. of lead (traveling at 1200 feet per second) be considered insignificant?    It's just a very tiny amount of lead and it only stays in a body for milliseconds.

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