
Global Warming Swindle?

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I am sick of hearing how global warming has been proven; it hasn't. I'm not a scientist, so i will leave that up to them. Read the link i provided, and watch the documentary link i provided as well. stop being so naive and gullable, and think for yourself. because al gore said it was real, doesnt make it so. again, at least read the page i provided before you respond, itll take no more than 5 min.

The article -

the documentary -




  1. In the '70s we were told that we were entering an ice age and they were actually talking about spreading soot on the polar ice caps to try and melt them to stop the global cooling.

    When they didn't get enough people to buy into that, the impending disaster of our time was acid rain.

    People weren't falling for that hard enough and now we've got global warming.  They got smart this time though.  Now they have the UN telling the scientists what numbers they need to support their reports, and when the numbers still wouldn't add up, they started calling it "climate change" instead of global warming.  That way no matter what the weather is today, its bad, and its our fault, and if we don't want to destroy the planet we should let them control our lives.

  2. sounds like you are not turning off the light and live in the DARK

  3. Yep, this could become one of the most expensive lies in the history of the planet. Personally, I think public education (or lack of) has much to do with it. Lack of clear reasoning.

  4. Yeah. Thanks for the video address.

    I think we are just starting to see the collapse of the great Global Warming Hoax. The media played an important part in getting AGW rolling. They sold a lot of papers, magazines, got lots of good ratings for their doomsday specials. But, I think the media sees it coming apart in the future. I think they can also see they can now ride the other side and sell even more magazines and papers. Your question will make a good newspaper headline in the future.

  5. I am also sick of hearing about the impending disaster in college on the news and in the newspapers. the video on of the great global warming swindle was great. i had only seen bits and pieces of it before.

  6. i know those liberals pull things out of there @$$ just so they can have something to complain about they need to shut up. they have all the Moran's fooled which unfortunately is about half if not more of America. the scientist have proven time and time again that it has happen in the past before humans and a faster rate and temps were higher. and like that guy said co2 causes cooling not worming.("and i hate the people that say well it could either heat or cool") no it cant it cools and that's that and shut up all of you!!!!!

  7. Nice to know there are still some smart people around here. Since there is no question I'll just say don't buy into bullshit.

  8. go on to youtube to see Great Global Warming Swindle, available in 8 parts.  it's very interesting

  9. It is not a swindle but it is not all our doing either.

  10. So let me get this straight - you think for yourself by watching movies?

    I hate to break it to you, but the Swindle is no more than a propaganda film.  Not one single point made in the film was correct and honest.  Basically it's a bunch of misleading and flat-out wrong arguments which appeal to people who don't want to take responsibility for global warming and who don't understand the science.

    The film has already been edited 4 times to take out some of the errors, and yet it still contains several completely wrong arguments.  One scientist sued the film to take his interview out, because they took his words out of context to make it sound like he was making the exact opposite argument.

    The graph where they compared solar activity and global temperature - they stopped it at 1980 (and called that "now") when in reality our best data measuring solar output (from satellites) began in 1978 and continues today, and proves that the Sun is not causing global warming, as you can see here:

    Really I could go through every point made in the film and tell you why it's wrong, but it would take a long time.  Here are some climate scientists from RealClimate who have already done the job:

  11. You go man!! I'm so glad there are still smart people out there! I love how you see how the media won't let anyone who disagrees with them to voice their opinions.

    Here's what I think.

    Okay.. to all you commie-pinko-lib, bio-crazy tree huggers.....

    A) There is NO global warming.

    B) There is no way any of your crazy ideas could be caused by cars or any modern appliances. Several thousand years ago, Minnesota was covered by glaciers, they melted to a reeeeally big lake, that no longer exists. Now unless you personally have found artifacts to suggest that automobiles were around then, I'm gonna have to say they weren't. And I doubt the people then were farting CO2 and poisonous gasses or whatever else you say cars expell to "harm the atmosphere". I'm sure the stuff isn't good, but I'm also sure the stuff isn't deadly or the cause of "global warming". So how could something that didn't exist, cause something that still today doesn't?

    to be continued...

    11 minutes ago

    C) All you global warming tree hugging whacks (I will refer to you from now on as GWTHW's for short), or at least most of you, have gotten all of your "facts" from the media. Right? Well, the media are just people and they are almost ALL liberals. Oh, and what is Al Gore, a LIBERAL.. what a coincidence..... or not! It's totally a political scam! It makes liberals look caring and sensitive and it makes conservatives look uncaring and bad. It's sick! The media feeds us biased c**p 24-7. They report what the wanna report and how they wanna report it. And we have no choice but to read it and have a VERY hard time deciding what to believe of it. So, research your info people.. don't listen to the media! They are not the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding! WAKE UP!

    D) Al Gore made it up.. and, hello!, he claims to have INVENTED THE INTERNET! Now he sounds like a credible guy, huh? The guy is a brainwashing freak.

    2 minutes ago

    E) Why don't you remember how bad our effects are on the earth as you sit on your computer that was manufactured at a plant that emits chemicals as it made your computer, as you eat your microwave dinner that is sending death rays into the sky, as you drive to the store in your gas-guzzling SUV. Now you tell me to turn off my lights tomorrow so I can promote gobal brainwashing, yet you are unwilling to sacrifice anything thing else.. try practicing your own preaching and not using ANY appliances of ANY kind, live like you were in the 1600's, for ONE DAY. Remember, things like candy bars have wrappers that were made with *gasp* non-organic materials!! (I know, how cruel to the pigme squirrels in Uzbekistan! We're wasting money to make candy bar wrappers that we could be using to give dying pigmes medicine and care. *tear*)

    F) Scientics from esteemed places such as NASA, have made statements saying that in their research, they have found that global warming is FALSE!!

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