
Global Warming Thoughts?

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Im doing a senior culminating project for school.

I just want everybodys thoughts and comments about global warming.




  1. In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.

    Ice expands when it freezes, that’s why ice floats above the water’s surface, and contracts when it melts. Thus, any floating ice (like the entire North Pole) when it melts, will not add any volume to the oceans Therefore only land-based ice can add to the volume of water in the oceans, not ice that is already in the ocean.

    The majority of land based ice is on the continent of Antarctica, where the average year around temperature is more than 60 degrees below zero. The average temperature would have to rise by more than 60 degrees to melt the Antarctic ice cap. Hardly something we need to worry about in the near future.

    Global warming, & cooling, has been documented by scientists over millions of years. In general it runs in 10,000 year cycles. People are basing their "global warming" evidence on a mere few hundred years.  Yes, global warming exists, but WE have nothing to do with it.

  2. My personal belief - natural cycle of earth, not caused by man but used by liberals for policitcal and economic gain.

    Do a google search on the Weather Channels Founder exploring ways to expose the lying Al Gore.

  3. In no way is it Man made...

  4. How can we make global warming if in the industrial revolution no signs of global warming were seen then!

  5. If you are seriously doing a project then look at the science not people's "thoughts and comments". The science is quite clear, unequivocal and agreed upon for over 20 years. Don't be distracted by the "there is no evidence" or "the scientists don't agree" arguments as both have been proven to be false and only touted in the past 5 or 6 years.

    Those who deny Global Warming or that humanity has an effect on Global Warming have no scientific evidence to sustain their positions so they generally revert to other tactics. A typical response will be to attack anyone who supports action and then quote a novelist as being a scientific source!! SEE ABOVE!

  6. The planet actually goes through a self cleansing process over a long period of time that takes back everything to pretty much normal. This takes thousands of years though and the question is... Will mankind survive it?

  7. Global Warming appears to be  true, there are Natural fazes but we are affecting that to a great extent ,with deforestation ,desertification and pollution., especially air pollution.

    A few weeks ago one of NASA's top scientists concluded that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free within five years, much faster than all previous predictions.

    when the north pole is gone , you may have polar bears soon in America ,looking for a home ,

    Calculations do not include the accumulative ,speeding up ,factor with time. the increase in water temperature will get faster all the time as well as the melting, when the ice is all gone the deeper cold Ocean currents will be drastically affected,which in turn will affect the warm currents,since all moving bodies of water are connected in series.

    This will affect coastal climates ,world wide ,almost instantly. All aquatic flora and fauna will be affected,many dying off and others becoming invasive,

    And recently In Chiapas ,and Tabasco in Mexico .more then a million people became homeless overnight with water coming up to their roofs ,because of rains from super evaporation from the forests,this had never happened before. Millions of animals died.

    In India 3000 people died because of super storms .

    .A few years ago in Europe 3500 people,died during a heat wave ,many of them in France .

    Right now the average death toll annually is 150.000 due to Global warming

    . these figures are already out of date and are expected to double soon.

    In Northern China millions of people are running for their lives because regular dust storms so far have buried 900 villages under the sand and the whole of northern China is turning into a dessert.

    The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year all around the edges ,like a slow burning fire shriveling up their neighbors In the Kalahari huge rivers have dried up and thousand of species are gone due to their habitats disappearing .

    The biggest changes are invisible at micro biotic levels species are becoming extinct ,others are multiplying ,

    This affects the insect populations that follow ,and changes in that ,affect all that follows in the food chains ,

    All life is interrelated of both flora and fauna, And since we are on the top of the food chain ,

    we are always the last to know.

    So Global warming has its toll there are incidents all over the world ,


    confusion rules the day ,i am beginning to think that SCIENCE HAS BEEN INVADED WITH POLITICS AND HUMAN EMOTIONS

    The truth is being distorted at high levels,

    And lies have been weaved in.

    Some of the real dangers are being hidden because there are no solutions , Public could panic.and Authorities would loose control .

    Besides Corporations have other priorities and changes will cause loss of profits ,this also affects the truths being published

    Others facts are exaggerated so that the phenomena can be used to milk the people.

    This is further complicated with Arrogance that will not admit that mankind could be guilty, or that Gods could be out of control ,unloving or incompetent

    But I do not think we can make a real difference anymore to change the tide.

    On a Global scale,Humanity is not co operative enough .

    The poor regions have other priorities such as daily survival.

    There is a lot we can do about being more responsible with what we got ,

    In the first world countries many do not care or are more interested in Global Control than Global Warming.

  8. It is just a way of calling upon an ice age earlier.

    That's all global warming leads up to.

  9. Your goal should be to create a project like this.

  10. Global Warming, is the fact that the earth is warming up due to greenhouse gasses. It has been proven over and over again by scientists, and it is NOT due to intensified solar activity.

    And yes, some scientists have their doubts, but there were also scientists who had their doubts about cigarettes causing all kinds of diseases.

    If we dont start acting over the next months, the planet will warm up with more than 2 degrees, which will cause a gigantic catasthrophie

  11. What does Global Warming have to do with thought? It's a religion. It's all based on feelings. If we're talking about human-caused global warming, I mean. The answerer right above me is an imbecile. He simply flatly stated that anyone who disagrees with him is uninformed or out of touch with reality. Really, boil it down to just scientific facts. Read Michael Crichton's latest articles about it.

    EDIT: What Castle, below me, fails to realize is that Michael Crichton is a doctor and a brilliant man. But nowhere near as much a scientist as Al Gore, though. He invented the internet, afterall. Oh, and Brian Van De Graff is apparently not a scientist to you people. All I hear from the political anthropogenic global warming believers are blanket statements about others being unscientific. Okay, please explain the Medieval Warm Period and the Late Ordovician Period Wamring that both occurred without human interaction. The interior of Antarctica has gotten substantially colder in the last century. Please explain that. I've given you science, and you've given nothing but ad hominem attacks on the people who disagree with you. The pot calling the kettle black, no? There is far more research that points the other way than these people are willing to acknowledge. More than 4,000 scientists from 106 countries, including 72 Nobel prize winners, who signed the Heidelberg Appeal, would strongly disagree with the conventional wisdom of pseudo-intellectuals who say anthropogenic global warming is unanimously accepted. The jury IS still out. Panicking prematurely and the scientific method are a lethal cocktail. Look at the eugenics of the beginning of this last century. They passed laws to sterilize people who they feared would contaminate the gene pool while the scientific jury was still out. There were, however scientists who were blindly adamant that their own research said these people would contaminate the gene pool. Then you had politicians who shouted out all opposition within the scientific community and touted these overly zealous scientists (scientists are human, and zeal is difficult to resist when you've devoted your whole life to various theories and found a scrap of evidence that suggests your theory to be correct)- the politicians gave them superior funding if they could prove what their mutual foregone conclusions were. The politicians had racist motives. I question the motives of our current cast of politicians. The reason they fund the research and cherry-pick evidence is not because they're concerned with the problem. What they're concerned with is taking property rights away and tightening control over the private sector so they can milk it dry. When you want something that badly, a good way to get it is to make it the solution to a problem which you invent in peoples' minds. That invented problem is anthropogenic global warming.

  12. Only about 20% of Americans think global warming isn't happening. Those are the Americans most out of touch with reality.

    There's another relatively small percentage of people who think that humans aren't causing global warming. Most of them are uninformed or misinformed on the issue, and only believe this is the case because they want it to be true, so they accept the misinformation without question.

    My thought is that the current global warming is primarily caused by humans, as illustrated in this climate model plot:

    The evidence that humans are the primary cause is overwhelming, and most climate science experts agree on this.

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