
Global Warming. What are the FACTS in support of this?

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(1) USA coldest winter on record 2007-08 (2) 1/3 more ice NOW at S. Pole than ever? (3) More People (4) Increased urba

nization (5) Buildings built near sensors: so obviously recorded temps will be higher (6) Oceans same temp as 10 yrs ago. Faith on this but not GOD? (7) Variation within normal limits.




  1. You have a rather sub-moronic view of the politics of this.  If you think you are more conservative that me or I am more liberal than you you need a good thrashing with a stout stick, sonny boy.  In the meantime you can assume anything you damned please.

  2. 'Faith on this but not GOD?'

    you lost me there bro. faith? i have Science! mwahahahahahha!

    'boxer short kissey lips hearts wearing liberals'

    oooh! where? sounds like my kind of people...

  3. Why do you state "USA coldest winter on record" when talking about "GLOBAL" warming?  The clue is the word "Global" which means the whole planet, not one place.

    Also, we are talking about "average" temperature, not the extremes.

    The reason for more extreme events is because there is more energy in the atmosphere.  In other words the atmosphere is warmer!

    What I can't understand is that, given the consensus of scientists the world over, from all races, religions and governments, why can't you accept it?  

    You clearly do not understand scientists or the scientific method.

    Are you a white, male, American, republican creationist by any chance?

  4. ill simply tell you a few things since it takes forever to write everything down,

    GOD is REAL



    why would you wanna take a risk on the world huh?? look at pictures of the world glaciers and high mountain peeks, they're ALL melting. recently in canada n the USA all those pine beetle spreads aare also destroying trees. we are cutting trees and polluting more than ever for the sake of money. ITs only the oil companies saying that global warming isnt real because they will lose big bucks if they would have to shut down.

  5. It's not called global warming it's called climate change, the summers are getting warmer and winters are colder that's why they are breaking records. And no their is not more ice at the South Poll unless you went there in 1977 and went back in 2007 you can't say for sure.


  7. Most of the "facts" you list are incorrect.

    (1) Even if thise were true (and it's not), the USA is not the whole planet, which continues to warm.

    Here is the USA:

    (2) Incorrect.  It's at approximately 30% greater extent than the average over the past 30 years, roughly 10% more than recent maxima.

    But a southern hemisphere warming lag is an expected result, predicted 25 years ago.

    And why are you cherrypicking the south pole while ignoring the record sea ice melt in the Arctic?

    (3-4) Sure, population is increasing.

    (5) Scientists account for this.;...;...

    (6) Same as land - the ocean temperature trend continues upward.

    (7) What normal limits?  Over the past 30 years the planet has warmed at a rate 20 times faster than when it naturally exits an ice age.  How is that "normal"?

    The facts to support global warming are available in the link below.  When a "skeptic" starts babbling about Al Gore, it's a red flag that he hasn't done his research.

  8. "IT IS up to the PROPONENTS of Global Warming to produce facts. That is the American Way: go with the status quo unless PROVEN OTHERWISE. HELLO?"

    Er, no you've got that wrong (actually you've got virtually everyting wrong, but this is most relevant I think).

    It's not up to the proponents anymore.

    The Scientific community is in support of the AGW theory, and says we need action.

    Public opinion is very similar. Most people believe we need to take action.

    Most companies and corporates also agree, even those in the fossil fuel and related industries.

    And even (virtually) every single government around the world, whether they are moderate, left or right wing governments.

    There's not much left, apart from a few diminishing islands of deniers like yourself.

    The world has moved on, and is now becoming focussed on doing what it can to help (albeit still too slow and too little). If the onus is on anyone now, it's now up to any scientists to disprove it. I'd welcome any legitimate disproving science, even if it's funded by the fossil fuel lobby.

  9. 1 maybe i realy dont know/ dont care. the world is still warming as a whole

    2 no

    3 and?????

    4 and?????

    5 no they are not. and its also funny how satellites are also somehow picking up the same results. they must also be near buildings.

    6 which god are you referring too. because each religion states that its god is the only true one it would be stasticly imposable to be picking the right one unless you believe in all of them.

    7 whos normal limits? you just made that up dident you?

  10. got some supporting facts?

    i thought not.

    1)  in a few places.

    2)  you're joking.  antarctica is a desert.  there's no significant increase in snow cover in any one year.

    3) yep, sure are more people.  makes AGW far worse, and harder to fix.

    4) yup.  so ???????????

    5) no.  OH, you saw it on co2science.

    6) which oceans?  the ones with ice in them?  sort'a like a glass of ice water.  stays the same temp until all the ice melts.  then it heats up fairly quickly.

    7) no.  OH, another one from co2science.  they are wrong, you know.  no matter how much you'd like it to not be so.

    the question is, would you ever consider the fact that you might be wrong?  or are you way smarter than all of the PhD folks that really do understand the climate?

  11. you don't have facts against global warming and liberals don't ask anyone to have faith in global warming they ask you to look at the evidence.

  12. Had all the time to read your question, but I didn't.  All the ice we're losing now could be over our graves in 1,000 years.  Tell me I'm wrong.  PROVE IT!!!  I live on the Equator and getting buried there, too!

  13. Facts for you:

    EVERY major scientific organization says global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    So do many conservatives.  Some are annoyed that deniers are giving conservatism a bad rap for being unwilling to accept the facts.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

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