
Global Warming a farce?

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with record low temps around the world, are we ready to admit that Al Gore's global warming theory is a fantasy. Or perhaps will wait until the next el nino to blame the worlds problems.




  1. Yes.  I think the man is either a genius of a liar or completely insane (fine line between the two)

  2. Here's is what Dr. Bill Gray, one of the most highly cited meteorologists alive, says:

    "Global warming is a theory by people who do not understand how the atmosphere works."

  3. Man-bear- pig was a more credible endeavor .

    AGW is not a farce, it's a vast new tax/control frontier for the UN.

  4. Watch the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Global warming does not necessarily mean that the Earth just heats up due to pollution. Its a collective term for the effects of pollution.

  5. Global warming is a fact. The cause of it is not. During the past 2500 years a cycle is apparent - 500 years of warming, 500 of cooling. We appear to be 150-200 years into the current warming cycle. The warming of the past 150 years appears to be about twice that expected from the natural cycle. The rest is probably man-made.

  6. What 's the sham is the fact that schools are no longer teaching the difference between weather and climate.


    A. The greenhouse gas theory is nearly 200 years old,[1] so it is not "Al Gore's theory".

    B. Climate change is about CHANGE.  The fact that winter comes every year is not a change; this is normal.  A few cold days during the middle of winter does not change the scientific consensus on global warming. The AVERAGE global temperature is increasing,[2] and all linear trends show accelerating warming.[3]

  7. I really wonder how many people know that glaciers a mile thick were adjacent to Chicago a little over 10,000 years ago.  The land near there is still experiencing some isostatic rebound.  The glaciers receded and formed the Great Lakes amongst countless other structures and features.  We can all be very thankful that they receded, especially those in Chicago.  The process has generally continued for 10,000 years though we have been in a relatively mild period for 10,000 years with some minor ups and downs.  For those to fear the recent warming and melting of glaciers seems to me to reveal an ignorance of history, geologic history anyway.

  8. Can you please post some further information. For example where did you read about the record low temperatures? If I was going to ask a question like this I would of probably posted some facts along side it to prove my point. Without the facts it is nothing more than a fantasy and as such is meaningless.

       And secondly it is not Al Gores theory. He is just a messenger. Thousands of scientists have studied this issue before Al Gore. I just wanted to point that out, because if you can not even get that fact correct how can we trust you on something like global temperatures?

  9. There are record lows and highs every year.

    What is at a record low is this countries ability to have a discussion based on logic and fact. Enjoy your stay in that group.

    And it's a scientific theory, not Gore's. You see, if you had half a brain that was chemically balanced, you would know that.

    dpj5 - we are not the ones saying 1998 was the warmest year on record. Most of us show 2005 was the warmest (according to NASA). It's people like you trying to make a case for cooling that show 1998 is the warmest.

  10. I think its a con,think of all those so called earth friendly business's suddenly putting items on the market,its a big money making scam,and of course I dare say the labour party will suddenly start having new gwangos and departments to monitor all of this,more jobs for the failed public school boys.

  11. Have you got a better reason as to why the glaciers are melting? Perhaps it's due to the hot air from the politicians.

  12. Yes, its a huge farce.

  13. Learn the difference between climate and weather, and understand general climate trends, versus current weather conditions.

    Global warming is happening, the evidence is undeniable. The people who are telling you lies are paid by the fossil fuel companies to lie to you. They don't care what happens to the earth, they will have their mansions and Jaguars and be long dead by the time it really hits your grandchildren.

  14. There is some warming, though the temps have been steady for the last 10 years.

    Global warming is caused by the Sun.  I don't know how you would propose placing limits on the Sun.

    "In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s."

    ""Solar activity has apparently been going upward for a century or more," Willson told today. "

  15. Climate change is not just about things getting suddenly only warmer. It's about extremes in temperature and weather patterns.

    Talk to those folks in the midwest who saw the record in winter tornadoes last month.

    Tornadoes are a summer event, aren't they?

    No matter how much you may hate the messenger, Al Gore didn't invent this problem for his own profit.

    But others are h**l-bent on ignoring it for their's.

    And I do understand why so many young people don't want to hear about it. It's your future, and you wish in your hearts you could go on with the big mindless party that was the 20th century.. sorry. Get real.

  16. I question you comment that there are record lows all round the world and suggest we wait until the end of 2008 before we comment - or use the results for 2007.

    BTW I picked a bunch of lovely snowdrops this morning and took them to a friend who was entertaining us for lunch.  We certainly haven't been having record lows here in the South of England

  17. ME! Me me me me me me me!! warming is a farce! So is evolution and Bigfoot...aka Al Gore.

    *sigh* I feel so much better...

  18. Nope! The DENIAL of it is!

  19. I find it funny how AGW alarmists talk down to people by saying they don't know the difference between climate and temperature. If temperature is not important, stop bringing up 1998 as the hottest year on record. How about a trend for you..if 1998 was the hottest year that means the subsequent years are lower, so trending down.

  20. Global warming may be real, but the farce is that we need to do something about it.  What is wrong with the earth getting a little warmer?  It won't be the first time.  Those glaciers near Chicago extended all of the way down to Kansas during the last ice age.  Did humans get wiped out?  No.  What about some species of plants and animals?  Probably.  They were the weak species that were ill-adapted to the changing environment.  Only the strong survive.  It is the natural order of things.  We should stop trying to protect the weak species, and let nature run its course.

  21. For one it's not just Al Gore, all's he's doing is sending the message for hundreds of scientists. Second, nobody really knows for sure. Is it possible? Yes, so why take any chances, there's nothing wrong with practicing good conservation in the best interest of our ecology.

  22. Actually, 2007 was the fifth hotest year in human history.

    Here is what the scientific community says about people like you:

    'A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, said: "At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change.

    They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day.'

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