
Global Warming and Our World?

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Should we really be concerned about global warming or is it just another one of those "end of the world" sermons that we are so tired of listening to?




  1. Look at how many nations became signatories to the Kyoto Protocol.  That means that they're concerned.  U.S. Mayors have banded together and stepped forward, as have 18 Governors.  Many prestigious universities have adjusted or created research-based programs, which means not only that they're concerned but willing to help forge solutions by educating some of the student population.

    It doesn't represent the end of the world -- that would be an extreme worst case scenario -- but it has already begun to impact cities and nations throughout the world, and no matter what we do now the impacts will become worse before they get better.

    I've listed a few links that I've found useful in my research.  I'm learning more every day, and what I learn is cause for concern many times over.  But I chose to empower myself by doing my best to become part of the solution.  I want to set a good example for my young grandson, in hopes that the collective efforts of concerned citizens and nations will begin to affect positive change.

  2. As they say, the sky has always been falling.

  3. YOU SHOULD LIVE IN Florida,Georgia,Alabama or Australia where water is scarce. in Australia their rationing water at 40 gallons per person, that includes bathing. Our forests are burning up due to excessive heat from Global Warming, YES WE ALL SHOULD BE CONCERNED.   YES we should all believe in it because its here and now we can delete it, but it takes all nations.

  4. Dont be worried about it. Its natural, and its caused by sun spots. You know, the worlds food supply releases more greenhouse gases into the world, than all the cars. If you really think that humans cause global warming, and you dont like the thought of the world burning to a crisp, then dont eat meat. Its as simple as that. The real reason people like General Electric (NBC) and Al Gore, and many others, are encouraging people to use "green" energy, like Ethanol(which by the way, it takes 1.25 gallons of petrol to make 1 gallon of ethanol) is because if you do, and you switch you're house to wind power, and all that happy rainbow greeny stuff, than GE in particular stands to make possibly billions of dollars.

  5. it is just another fear of the future sermons

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