
Global Warming doubters? Comments from President of Shell Oil?

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On PBS's Charlie Rose program aired last night, the President of Shell Oil said that not only are people at least in signficant part responsible for global warming, but that anyone that resists the idea or comes out against it is basically not paying attention and needs to come around.

He also said that America needs to increase the MPG of it's vehicles and overall reduce usage of fossil fuels.

Now, this is a guy that makes his money on oil and fossil fuels. It's counterproductive for him to come out with these positions with regards to his (and his company's) ability to make money.

With this, along with all the significant scientific evidence, how could you possibly need more to be confinced of the reality of global warming/climate change?




  1. Weather he believes or not, he has nothing to lose by claiming this and everything to gain. Even if we reduce our oil use drastically, the worlds demand is skyrocketing! Oil is at it's peak production and may start to decrease even though we work harder and spend more money to get it out of the ground. According to the rules of supply and demand the price of oil is going to go way up, which means he still gets his profit. Oil companies have seen the writing on the wall and are switching to other sources of energy production. No matter what happens Shell is in a position to make a ton of money. The almighty dollar bill rules the world!

  2. He is entitled to his opinion, but why should I put any more credence to it than to the opinion of anyone else.  I would like to see what evidence he has to support his statement.  As far as his comments about what America needs to do:  If he is a U.S. citizen, then his voice counts equally with mine.  If not, he should shut his cake hole because it is none of his business.

  3. The thing is, oil companies have 2 options.

    1) They can deny that greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels are causing global warming.  In order to preserve their massive profits, they can fund a disinformation campaign on the subject and try to delay greenhouse gas emissions regulations and reductions.

    ExxonMobile chose this path.

    2) They can accept the scientific reality of the situation and begin to adapt, investing in various alternative energy possibilities such as solar, hydrogen, geothermal, etc.

    Most oil companies chose this path (i.e. Shell, BP, and Chevron).

    The President of Shell is exactly right.  There is really no sense in denying the scientific reality that we're causing global warming.  With the amount of scientific evidence supporting this explanation, the only intelligent thing to do at this point is to adapt.  Shell is among the companies doing a good job of this.

  4. Next time you see that shell oil ad in yahoo answers click on that ad  That might give you an answer to your question.

  5. Hahaha...another sucker for GTL Marketing! ;)

  6. Only truly ignorant people don't believe in global warming any more.

  7. The point is. Everyone has an AGENDA. You might not be able to figure it out.. but there IS an agenda. There is a TON of money to be made becuase of GW propaganad. its a huge industry.

    Dont think OIL companies are the only ones that are greedy and capable of lying.

    Politicians do too.

  8. Well, before I begin, I'm just a teen, and I am still gathering all the FACTS, so I could be off on a lot of things.

    First, I would like more facts. I've watched some Discovery and etc. on GW, and i saw about how people were taking ice samples. Maybe I'm nuts, but last time I checkec, ice MELTS. I don't trust ice-measurements, no matter what any scientist says.

    Second, as my father has said, we could be coming out of an Ice Age. He hasn't told me where he got this, so I can't be positive about this either.

    Oh yeah, what happens to anyone who denies global warming? They are jeered at, made fun of blah blah, and isn't it pollitically uncorrect? (whatever that means) He's saying that for business. If he appears more freindly, etc, in the long run, people well trust him more, so hey, more trust=more people=more profits.

    I'm not saying that the THEORY (it's a theory still) of global warming isn't true, but I am leaning that way. If it is true, i think we might have done a big part of it, but not as huge as everyone says.

    But that's just me, a wee widdle teen.

  9. Why would I trust the President of Shell Oil?  Look at all the other people that lie to us and have their hands in the oil business.  These people are in with the elite and shouldn't be taken on their word.

    Ice caps are not only melting on Earth but on other planets as well. Yes, there is global warming but certain aspects of the whole situation demonstrate that perhaps it is due to the sun and it's solar cycles.  

    Do some research on the 'Carbon Tax' they want to put forth based on global warming.

  10. Oil Companies have capitalized on these myths in the past.  Remember the false oil shortage in the seventies?  Yea, in this case, as I have mentioned so many times before.  Oil companies are charging more for that EPA endorsed transition into the 'summer blend' so that you think that the EPA is doing something and the oil companies are doing something about the environment, when it is merely just a facade.

    Shell is jacking up their prices to search for 'cleaner' fuel alternatives... YEA  RIGHT!  But they are capitalizing on this global warming debacle, therefore you are paying more for gas than you have ever paid in your life... Right?  So, they are laughing all the way to the bank...

    I am laughing at the 'acceptance' c**p that you are being fed here.  Don't believe that one for a second.  The only gas stations that are shutting down are the mom and pop stations of yesteryear because oil companies, in partnership with the non-entity EPA are working together to 'regulate' them out of business.

    Great question by the way...

  11. Never forget that oil corporations are transforming themselves into energy corporations.  We will still use their products 100 years from now, as they have the only distribution channels already in place.

    When we do change from oil to another source, have no doubt that the profits these corporations make today will be dwarfed by the profits they make after fossil fuels are gone.

    And the price you pay per mile for your car will go up as well.

  12. Whether Global warming is true or not, oil companies recognize that the market is shifting to be more green.  Such statements are a way to position themselves to survive in the market.  

    And regardless of what they say, proponents of global warming (especially the extremist) will never be satisfied with what the "big oil" companies say or do.  Sometimes I get the feeling that AGW supporters will never be satisfied, there will always be something to gripe about

  13. I assume his instinct for self preservation is getting the better of his greed.

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