
Global Warming fanatics what do you think of your leader now?

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House #1 A 20 room mansion ( not including 8 bathrooms ) heated by

natural gas. Add on a pool ( and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern 'snow belt' area. It's in the South.

House #2

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every 'green' feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground.

The water (usually 67 degrees F.)




  1. The High Priest has spoken............

  2. What do we think of our leader now?  I wasn't aware I was a follower.  So what, now we shouldn't worry about global warming?  Because famous people who claim to care about really might not...

  3. Clearly this proves all the science is wrong.  Thank you for this analysis.  The world needs people like you to point out the basic flaws like this in the science.  Undoubtedly if Al Gore's house were included in global climate models those models would demonstrate there is no way man could be affecting climate.  I suggest you write this up and submit it for publication.  

    Again, thank you.

  4. The National Academy of Sciences lives in a house?

  5. Global arming is for the average person not for those who can afford it . It's all about the carbon tax and who will benefit  form it ?

  6. And these people still want him to be President of the U.S.A

  7. Shouldn't this question be in the better homes & gardens section, Gore's house/houses are no more than most other politician/celebrity, all he really did was adopt this as his topic anyone working in a related science field has known about GW since the mid 70's long before Gore.

    P.S. Please don't rehash that dribble about the 70's ice age theories it is simply not true, from the point of view of something supported by the science community.

  8. I think this is the 100th time that I've seen that information, and it's just as irrelevant as the first 99 times.

    On the other hand, focusing on Al Gore is an interesting indication that there's nothing better for deniers to focus on (over and over and over and over again).  Get some peer-reviewed science or get a life.

  9. Either way... I don't care.

    I'll care when they start harming my future with false "cap and trade" c**p.

  10. I like some of the answers here that say   "so what" "This doesn't mean GW is not our fault" .....

    I have to laugh. If Al really believed what he says he would act accordingly. SOooo. Maybe he knows he is a fraud AND human caused GW is also! Think about it you sheep. Why is Al really doing what he does. Megalomania? Power? Ego?

    It certainly is not because he believes it. He could still live in the style he does now and live green. He has the money to do it. SOOO ask yourself why doesn't he....BECAUSE HIS PREACHING IS A LIE!!!!!

  11. Yup, thats Gore for ya! And yet, everyone will still think its ok, because "he" says so.If he is concerned with global warming, his followers should demand he leads by example!

  12. Al Gore is not my leader

    I believe he is an American person.

    But I think Global Warming is real

    and He does as well so we have something in common.

    And  I am sure jealous of his house .

    Wish i could pay an electricity bill like that

  13. Bob is a bit different to most believers - Most would say, if it's on TV it must be true, people don't lie about things as serious as destroying the planet.

    With Bob, if some unknown executive from a union of science professionals says it's true - well it's beyond doubt.  Never mind the science.

  14. Not that this matters (since Al Gore is irrelevant to global warming, except that he made the science accessible to the general public), but your information is out of date.

    "Gore has gotten LEED gold certification from the Green Building Council - the 10,000-square-foot home is one of only 14 in the U.S. to achieve this rating, and the only home in Tennessee that's gotten any certification at all, according to the Associated Press. (There is also a platinum standard) Solar panels, solar roof fans, a rainwater collection system, and geothermal heating were all installed at the house. All incandescent lights - including those on the Christmas tree! - were replaced with either compact fluorescents or light-emitting diodes. And according to AP, energy use at the home decreased 11 percent during Tennessee's sultriest months, when the area was also hit by a heat wave."

    Gore's solar roof:

  15. What is this sexual fixation you folks have on this Man?  He may be your leader, but he's not mine.  This is the Global Warming section.  Surely they have an hysterical teenie fan area or something...

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