
Global Warming is Not Real, what do you think?

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There are just as many Scientists who say it is not real, as those who say it is. I happen to believe that we are coming out of the Ice Age and there is nothing we can do about it. There are Magazine Articles from the 70's that say the Earth is getting colder. I just think its a bunch of Sh*t. How come Al Gore wasn't worried about Global Warming when he was Vice President? I just wanna hear from the other side.




  1. Just watching ice burgs melt is proof enough of global warming. My neighbor has a daughter in Iceland and for the first time ever-- she had to cut a tree down because it got to big for her yard. Trees just don't grow in Iceland normally.

  2. Global warming is real, but not in the sense that Al Gore wants everyone to believe.  The planet is warming, that much is true, and it's a measurable increase in temperature.  There are few scientists who dispute that.

    What many scientists do NOT believe is that the increase is cause by the activities of humans and that it is somehow damaging the planet.  There are mountains of evidence that the global climate is cyclical.  Warming trends have occured in the past and will continue to occur well after humans have died off.

    What Al Gore convieniently ignores is that not all glaciers are melting.  Some are actually growing.  He also ignores the effects of deforestation on glaciers mountainous ice capse.  Gore is full of it.

  3. Yes, global warming is real, but so is global cooling.

    And just who made the determination of what the perfect temperature of the planet is anyway??

    History shows cycles -- periods of warming and cooling.

    Actually, the latest stats from NASA show we've been cooling since 1998, so for all we know the global warming period has been over and we've been moving back into another global cooling period.

    I was really hoping the warming period would last a little longer.  The last cooling period lasted over 30 years until the warming period started in the 1980's.  That means this warming period only lasted 18 years and we've been in a cooling cycle for nearly 10 years.

    I actually prefer the warming periods. I sure wish we had control over the climate of this enormous planet.

  4. It is man's effect on the natural climate cycle that is pure unproven theory.

  5. A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, said: "At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change.

    "They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day.

    "We have reached a point where a failure to take action to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions would be irresponsible and dangerous."

  6. And so many people who say UFO are real and 9-11 is a conspiracy..

  7. You have posted no facts and only opinions and as such your statement is totally meaningless. You have asked for only opinions and by the same definition my answer would be meaningless.

      I notice that this however has not stopped other people looking out of the kitchen window and saying confidently that the earth is going through a cycle. (LOL where did they get this information?) It is hilarious that they feel able to disscuss the cycles of a 6 BILLION year old planet as though they where here  at the begining and have been keeping notes ever since. There are no links and the only people that have posted any information are who you would call the 'warmers'.

       What do I think? I dont think it is very important what I think. I am only one of 6.6 BILLION. However there is a large majority that disagree with you.Large majorities around the world believe that human activity causes global warming and that strong action must be taken, sooner rather than later, in developing as well as developed countries, according to a BBC World Service poll of 22,000 people in 21 countries.

          An average of eight in ten (79%) say that “human activity, including industry and transportation, is a significant cause of climate change.”

            Nine out of ten say that action is necessary to address global warming. A substantial majority (65%) choose the strongest position, saying that “it is necessary to take major steps starting very soon.” In no country does more than one in three disagree with the view that “human activity, including industry and transportation, is a significant cause of climate change.” In all except one country, two-thirds or more endorse this view. The one exception is India where 47 percent attribute climate change to human activity, 21 percent disagree and 33 percent do not answer.

              In 13 of 21 countries, at least twice as many call for “major steps starting very soon” as think “modest steps over the coming years” will suffice. In no country does a majority say that no steps are necessary and on average less than one in ten say this.

    A key growing economy with a large majority in favor of significant action is China. Seventy percent of urban Chinese respondents believe major steps are needed quickly to address climate change.

        I think they last paragraph  is very hopefull. There are over a billion Chinese and it seems as though they feel that things need to be improved.

      I have not posted any links as I feel that you would neither read nor understand them. You seem to already have made your mind up so I am not going to try to change it for you.

  8. GW is real. I don't think hardly any scientist or anyone who has studied this area disputes that.

    There are many that question whether or not the theory that man-made CO2 is making this natural warming cycle to be much faster and will go higher in temperature that is the question.

    Obviously, the majority of people do not believe man-made CO2 is the problem. I say obvious because I see very few governments / industries / Individuals around the world doing anything about it.

  9. o it's real, baby.

    you should come to my country. indonesia.

    we have flood in many cities that are never got flooded before.

    it's crazy!

  10. I believe that we as humans have contributed a small but fixable problem with global warming. All the hype that certain Political Figures and Activists have been brewing up is false. But not false in the sense that it is not happening, but false in the sense that we are not the ones causing it. Look our planet has been around a lot longer than we have obviously, and scientists around the world have determined that our little planet has gone through major, life changing events with climate and atmosphere  on it's own. It is just the natural science of our planet. It is always changing. We have gone through Ice Ages and warm spell's and will be going through them again. h**l our last Ice Age was only 10,000 years ago! Thats nothing to the history of our planet, and we are probably still coming out of it now. Thats why the polar ice caps are melting, it's just natural. It's been said "not proven however" that one volcanic eruption puts up more pollutants than we have in 50 years! So I am not saying that we are not wrong, because we are. We need to be more resourceful, and caring about our environment and natural resources. But it's not our fault and not mostly our fault at that.

  11. No, global warming is not real.  It is a loose string of speculation and half truths.  The latest scare tactic to extract money and control.

  12. Yes were all doomed!

  13. It's real.  And I can prove what I say.  

    Among scientists it's like 99:1.  Proof:

    The wiki article is just easily checkable facts, not opinions.

    "The fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists. I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist."

    NASA's Gavin Schmidt

    Global cooling in the 70s was just a few guys with no data, who got more attention in the media than they deserved.  Just like the "skeptics".  Proof.

    We're not just coming out of an Ice Age.  Climate had been relatively stable for thousands of years, before we messed it up.  Proof.

    "We humans have built a remarkable socioeconomic system during perhaps the only time when it could be built, when climate was sufficiently stable to allow us to develop the agricultural infrastructure required to maintain an advanced society."

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  14. I think your right. It doesn't seem like global warming here, in Alaska, where it's always colder than a witches t*t in a brass bra. It does semm to be hype, and earth is just going through another cycle.

  15. You are misinformed if you think there are as many climate scientist who say global warming isn't happening as there are saying it is.  The overwhelming majority of climate scientists throughout the world say it's real. Only a very small, but vocal, minority raise up various challenges to that.

    A magazine article in the 70's is not even remotely the same as the mountain of scientific studies, conferences, reports, and research that has gone into understanding global warming over the past 30 years.

    Al Gore is completely irrelevant as far as whether or not global warming is true.  It's true based on the science, not what any politician says or does.

  16. You are not real. Back up your accusations and someone will at least listen to you.

  17. Well I'll have to go thru your points 1 by 1.

    "Global Warming is Not Real, what do you think?"

    Of course it's real.

    "There are just as many Scientists who say it is not real, as those who say it is."

    False.  Almost all climate scientists agree that humans are the primary cause of the current warming (and they certainly all agree the warming is real).  Proof:

    "There are Magazine Articles from the 70's that say the Earth is getting colder."

    Right.  The Earth was getting (very slightly) colder in 1970.  This is because human and volcanic aerosol emissions at the time were blocking sunlight, causing global dimming and cooling.  At that point many countries passed Clean Air Acts, stopped emitting so much sulfur, and so the cooling stopped.

    Plots of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions on pages 12-14 here:

    "How come Al Gore wasn't worried about Global Warming when he was Vice President?"

    He was.  However, over the past decade we've learned a ton more about global warming, and now are certain it's a problem we're causing which will have nasty consequences if we don't do something about it.  Clinton and Gore should have pushed Kyoto harder, but at the time they wussed out.

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