
Global Warming is a Giant Scam isn't it?

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Polar Icecaps melt, thats what ice does besides float. And don't tell me its at some "alarming rate" if the earth is warmer than it should be then why has the midwest been seeing 50 degree temps instead of 70 or 80? Its all a giant money making scam isn't it? and those Eco Libs are getting exactly what they wanted... higher gas prices. The idiot oil tycoons know that with all this global warming Bullshit they have to make their dollar before we find something else. Who ever thought you'd see oil tycoons and tree huggers on the same team?




  1. their just trying to run up the price if polar bear meat.

  2. FrostyD said:

    "There has never been such a dramatic increase in the earth's temperature ever. "

    Wow, what a load of c**p.

  3. yes it is , and its starting to p**s me off with all the tax bull c**p that is floating arround , funny how the government can brainwash people , people need to get smart and realize that the earth has always changed in some ways more than others , this is nothing new

  4. its hard to deny that global warming is taking place with all the proof that is being shown.  There has never been such a dramatic increase in the earth's temperature ever.  I used to be scheptical about it as well, it seemed like a way to get some attention over nothing.  The only thing that someone who thinks global warming isnt taking place can argue is over what is causing the temperature change.

  5. first it was y2k

    then bird flu

    now global warming(what aload of bollocks)

  6. No, it's not a scam. If the polar ice caps melt, the resulting amounts of water will caused the ocean level to rise 20 feet, so basically, cali, Florida, anywhere 20 feet or below would go bye bye. Because these are some good crop states, it would result in a famine, and other northern states would become overpopulated.

  7. it's not the fact that the ice caps are melting, duh ice melts, it's the fact that they are melting at an increasing rate.  and at that increasing rate there will be major devastation to areas at 10-20 above sea level.  meaning floods.  i agree that it is being USED as a scam, but you cannot say that humans are not responsible for anything that is happening to the earth.  You can't tell me that all of the millions of cars out on the roads everyday doesn't have a negative effect on our atmosphere.  global warming is not the only thing that is happening there is also global cooling.  wherein winters are longer, spring is shorter and our summers are miserably hot.  and so what if people do go a little 'greener' its good for our environment. recycle, reuse, replant, etc.  it will never happen but if everyone could not drive their vehicles for just a few days the gas prices would plummet.  oh well you will never convince everyone of anything.

  8. Eco libs.  Idiot oil tycoons.  And tree huggers, oh my!

    Believe what you want.  I'm going to try to reduce my carbon footprint and I expect my government to do the same.  I have a young grandson who is bright and full of life and deserves to live a long, strong life without worrying about the likes of things like global climate change and the fact that so many people were skeptical for so long, that it took too long to get mitigation, much less solutions, in place.

    The team is everyone and everything living on the planet.

  9. yes it is, ur sbsolutly right!

  10. Far from being a scam. Eventhough climate changes are cyclical, this is probably the one time living crature can refuse to be inihilated by the effect of nature.  OOPS by the way a lot of what is happening is not naturarl occurences. WE ARE pushing the excess carbon in the air; not the volcanos, not the burning of trees, not the evaporation of the ocean.......I dont know if the word ACCELERATE mean anything to the sceptics.

  11. It's just a religion made up by rabid environmentalists.  Climate change is cyclical, plain and simple.  Anyone who thinks we can affect climate patterns as much as they say we are is an arrogant ***.

  12. Even President Bush has had to face the fact that it is a reality.

    It's not unreasonable to suggest that man's activities are contributing to it, either.  The scientific principle of succession can be noted in all natural communities, as a result of each species changing their resources as they use them.  Ultimately, the community's resources are so altered that its original inhabitants can no longer thrive there.  However, the new arrangement of natural resources are more suited for other living communities, who will ultimately change the resources until they are incompatible with their needs - essentially preparing them to support the next community, and so on...    

    As living organisms, we are perpetuating this effect - just as are all of the Earth's inhabitants.  We are different, however, in our ability to recognize, understand, and responsibly adjust our contributive behaviors.  In the Bible, it states that God gave man "dominion" over the Earth and its resources.  That word denotes more than just control, but an ultimate responsibility to nurture their welfare.  Whether we want to face this "inconvenient truth" or not, exercising responsible ecological self-discipline is in our best interest - as well as that of future generations.

  13. YES!  It is a scam.

    The climate might be getting warmer, but that is natural.  It will also get colder.

    The ice age happened during the time of the neanderthals.  Nature did it, not the neanderthals.

    Weather changes, that what is does!!

  14. The fact that people keep buying into the myth that we are destroying the world boggles my mind.

    Look at what you must believe if you think all this climate change is man-made.

    If you are a Christian, and believe God created us and this world, then you must believe that we have more power than God. Although it goes against your beliefs, you have to believe we are more powerful than God because we are destroying what he created. You would have to believe that God created us to be here for no more than a few thousand years, in which case, we have no control of our destiny anyway. Or you would have to believe that God was too shortsighted to think his creation would be so intelligent that it would be able to develop the technology to so easily destroy what he had so carefully created.

    If you are more of a believer in evolution, or the so-called Big Bang theory, then you must believe that, even though this planet has been in a constant state of change for the last 4.5 billion years, the following events have occurred:

    A. The Earth has suddenly stopped it's well documented cycle of changing climate for some reason.

    B. Humans are so incredibly powerful that, within the last 150 years, we have been able to inflict catastrophic damage on the planet unlike anything it has endured in the past 4.5 billion years.

    In either case, the Global Warming scaremongers are asking me to believe things that just aren't realistic. The scientific data doesn't prove anything. All it is is a bunch of numbers put together by minions of the scaremongers to propogate the theory. A theory that is being used by the scaremongers for political and financial purposes, and a theory that keeps the minions of the scaremongers in millions in grant moneys. That is the only reality I see.

  15. Al Gore claimed that the deadly Myanmar cyclone, which struck on May 3, could be a result of alleged man-made global warming. "the trend toward stronger and more destructive storms appears to be linked to global warming," stated Gore.

    But scientists disagree, saying there is no way to link any single weather event to CO2 and global warming.

    Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global-warming activists. It was just a matter of time until someone found a way to link Cyclone Nargis and global warming.

    There is indeed a stupid tendency for people to now blame everything that happens in weather on global warming and the blame game has reached a level of hysteria

  16. I don't like your arguments. You are saying global warming is not happening at all which it undeniably is. But I don't agree that it is caused by man.

    Everything that happens is proof that global warming would be happening however, its not proof that it is caused by man.

    But I agree, it is used as a scam.

  17. yep, it's a scam.

  18. I do not know about a scam but it certain parts of the science seem fabricated.  Seem a little bit emotional.  I am skeptical of the handling of water vapor.  The theory they use sound logical, CO2 increases temperature which increases water vapor.  Notice the models only show a warm up.  We all know that for short periods of time weather can override both and decrease temperature.  What do these effects have on the feedback of water vapor.  Well the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is dependent mainly on temperature.  It looks like the current temperature is back to 1993-94 levels give or take.  What does that mean for feedback, how do the short term weather cooling affect feedback?  Well the amount of water vapor to absorb energy in air is the same today as it was in 93 and 94  while carbon is 25% higher.   When we return to 98 levels for arguments sake lets say 10 years, carbon could be 50% higher than in 98, however water vapor will be the same.  The models neglect short term cooling and seasonal cooling that allows water vapor concentration to move in the oppisite direction of CO2.  The models always go up.  And since water vapor is dependant on temperature and not CO2  as long as we have weather systems that will have cooling periods water vapor will be a largely neutral feedback.  I hope I am articulate to get this accross.

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