
Global Warming........?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, last night I posted a question in which I said I sprayed dihydrogen monoxide into the air and that I didn't care about GW and so on. Apparently, my theory was confirmed that there are a lot of dumb people here because it was reported and the question removed.

You people do know that dihydrogen monoxide is water right? Well, apparently not everyone.





  1. LOL!!! That's funny. I think most people can't take a joke and that's why they reported your question. I don't buy the it wasn't a legitimate question theory, since a lot of questions on the YA Global Warming board aren't legitimate questions.

  2. i thought you were a football fan dude!!

  3. hahaha, that is funny

  4. lol... some people at my school posted posters around the school saying how big of a threat dihydrogen monoxide was, and people actually believed them.

  5. congratulations, you're king of the idiots.

  6. You do know most alarmist network. Didn't anyone see all those post, I think about 6-7 of them with a bogus name and lame questions. The cohorts received BA for some of the dimmest answers I've ever read. Most are so down in rankings they needed a boost. If you have a valid point, don't expect any validity from their responses. Another reason I don't subscribe to the GW dogma. There's exactly two advocates on GW that don't use these type of antics. They have my respect.

  7. i didnt see the question but maybe it was removed on the grounds that you werent actually asking a question.

    you should have got an email to explain why it was removed - have a look! what does it say as the reason?

  8. ummmm.... probably

  9. hmmm yep really funny...?

  10. Water Vapor is Seen as An Additional Factor In Global Warming, the Thing Is, it is Subject to Phase Change.

  11. global warming is a farce, just like this question.

  12. It does not take very much to panic an alarmist and they use the report button instead of the down thumbs all the time. One of my friends got reported 4 or 5 time over the weekend for posting links showing polar bears were not dying off. They really need to get an education and then a life, really!

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