
Global Warming???????

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can anybody answer these 2 ? without giving me stupid

answers that waste my time? Thank You

If 5000 years ago they found human remains in the sahara desesrt surronded with animal bones that showed the scientist that 5000 years ago the sahara was green and lush and full of plant and animal life and now it is a desert and in between there were no factories, cars, or any kind of co2 emissions from people than why is it our fault now?

And if al gore really believed that we cause global warming than why does he have a carbon footprint many times larger than the average american and why does he fly around in his private jet, why wouldn't he try to help the environment. Unless he really didn't believe it and he is just trying to get money from environmentalist groups since he has gotten more money from environmentalist groups than any other person in the country for the last several years




  1. your questions are to long winded.  I heard good wisdom from someone once.  global warming or climate change whatever sounds less stupid at the time

  2. 1.  uhhhhh it isn't our fault.  It's called natural climate change and erosion bud.

    2.  With a name like 'druggy' I wouldn't be talking.  Al Gore is saving TONS of carbon by spreading his message to people around the world.

    You fail.

  3. 1) If it's not caused by PROFITS, global climate change is natural, and O.K.

    2) Who are YOU to impute anything short of infallibility on AL GORE?

  4. Well, the Sahara was smaller and the surrounding area was a lush jungle just 5,000 years ago.  Many scientists believe this change happened because of India slamming into Asia and raising the Himalayan mountain range and re-routing the air flow (more warm air was pushed into Northern Africa drying the surrounding area and making the Sahara much larger).  Granted that event took place tens of thousands of years before that, but the planet was in an ice age for about 60,000 years.

    The whole "scare tactic of today" is based on correlation of the recent (last 150 years) temperature rise and increase in CO2 output by humans.  The problem is that statistics can be easily manipulated to show a correlation with whatever you feel like comparing it to.

    A simple correlation would be the rise in temperature since the early 80's with the population boom. There are now approximately 6.6 billion people on this planet that emit CO2 compared to the 4.5 billion in 1980. There is a correlation there (if CO2 is actually the driver of this "global warming").  

    Or the number of space rocket launches since the 70's and the rise in temperature. Space rockets emit water vapor which makes up 1-4% of the troposphere which is the only part of the atmosphere showing any warming. This is also the area in which we live, breathe, and where the weather occurs. Being that water vapor is a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, I would say water vapor is the culprit and NASA, Corporate America, or anyone that launches anything into space are to blame.

    The bottom line, there is historical proof/evidence that the climate has shifted by 5 degrees Celsius in as little as a decade many times before for reasons unknown.  Should we really be worried that the temperature has risen 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 150 years (and has steadily cooled for the past decade)? Should we support these "green" campaigns so they can become billionaires? I sure don't want to. We already made the oil companies billionaires, why do we have to keep paying these billionaires just to survive?

    EDIT- Chandras-"A simple correlation would be the rise in temperature since the early 80's with the population boom. There are now approximately 6.6 billion people on this planet that emit CO2 compared to the 4.5 billion in 1980. There is a correlation there

    (Yes CO2 from burning Fossil fuel is actually the driver of this "global warming" and cutting down forest to build homes )."

    You left out where I stated "IF this little temperature rise correlates with CO2".  You have to understand that there is deforestation and reforestation.  They try to balance it as much as they can.  Also, there is still much debate on whether the CO2 is actually changing the climate.  Al Gore and the IPCC may state the debate on that is over, but thousands of climatologists and geologists still dismiss that CO2 is the driver of this slight warming.

  5. to answer the 2nd one IT'S BULL S***  to answer the 1st it was caused by a cycle wich has bein goin on 4ever.

  6. 1) the world has had climate change for 4.1 billion years

    2) Noble price winning, Emmy winner Dr. Al Gore (honorary) is in it for the money and does not really know what he is talking about.

  7. 1. The sahara desert is not our fault now, I really haven't heard anyone say it was.  The environment/planet has been always changing, and again, I haven't heard anyone suggest different.  The issue now is two fold, 1.  It is changing incredibly fast now, and 2. we are causing it to change so quickly.

    2. don't know or care.  I have never based my understanding or important issues on what celebrities think.

  8. 1) The Sahara started out as a small patch of a desert..but the sand started spreading with wind and all the sand replaced the lush surroundings.

    2)So what? A lot of people know of Global Warming and don't change anything.  

  9. well i think that your rite wen u say that its probably not caused by us. i believe history repeats itself and we will have the same problems that we read in history books............

    al gore can do watever he wants

  10. Did you feel that this year summer was 5 Degree C more than Last year .

    Did you feel that this Winter was worst in last 30 years .

    Then you know we disturbed Mother Nature .

    We name it " Global Warming "

    A simple correlation would be the rise in temperature since the early 80's with the population boom. There are now approximately 6.6 billion people on this planet that emit CO2 compared to the 4.5 billion in 1980. There is a correlation there

    (Yes CO2 from burning Fossil fuel is actually the driver of this "global warming" and cutting down forest to build homes ).

  11. global time wasting is a real science  
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