
...Global Warming?

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I'm hearing that Global Warming is getting worse and the temperature went all high in just a few you guys have any sense at all? It's the SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Al Gore gives bad information

  2. Let's be realistic about global warming... this website.

  3. Yes, I realize that it is summer. But look at the Town of Churchill, located on the banks of Hudson's Bay. Today it was 26'C there. That is by all means unnatural. The if emissions do not peak by 2015, the average temperature on earth will rise more than 2'C and in the arctic by 5'C. And because the arctic is clearing up, all of a sudden America and Russia don't recognize Nunavut, NWT, and the Yukon as Canadian territory, because now they can enter those waters without the special ice breakers owned by the Canadian government. This correlation shows the societal effect of GW.

    Davem, please look at the facts. A British scientist put out a report saying that if our carbon foot print does not peak by 2015, we will have an increase in temperature of over 2'C. You don't have to be terribly bright to figure out that black smoke coming out of the back of your car can't be good. Imagine that times a billion day after day.

    Politically it is a mess. Russia did plant a Russian flag in disputed waters. We need to be prepared water will be the next oil, wouldn't you agree? It is summer, yes and that may seem normal. But the change in climate is noticeable even in the winter. 2 degrees may not seem like much but it is a change. We are dependent on black oil found under desert sands, that alone is bad.

  4. It's not getting worse.  That's just media hype.

    In fact, Gore's out talking about the Arctic ice decreasing yet it's actually increased 10% since last year.  The Antarctic has been increasing in mass for some time now.

    Gore lies so much.  He even said his home was using all "green" energy.  What an enormous lie !!  He uses more power than 25 people do, and he leaves his limo's idling for 20 minutes keeping the AC running so he'll have a nice cool car to get back into.  Talk about not practicing what you preach.

    Also, global warming stopped in 1998.  We've been actually cooling for the past 7 years.

    And you're right, it's always hot in the summer.  If I had to take a choice, I'd pick global warming over global cooling.  At least you can always cool off in the water.  An ice age, like they thought was going to happen back in 1970, would be much worse.  Especially with fuel costs going up thanks to the democrats in congress who now plan to increase gasoline taxes.  Can you believe that?  They're so greedy.

  5. Omg global warming is true the ice capes are melting!!!!

    Wow... do you realize water levels are being restored to where they were hundredes of years ago? Did you know there was a 'Ice age" that scientists said was occuring. If this ice age happened the ice will still be melting.

    Average temperature are falling, explain that to me.

  6.!  Datx's answer above has me really confused and worried.  I should run and get my geography straightened out, lol!  

    The 'city' of Churchill?  On the 'edge of the arctic circle'?  There is a small town of Churchill, nowhere close to the arctic circle but it only has a population of about a thousand, if that.  Hardly a city.  And it was 26C there?  Oh my gosh...that equates to about 78F.  And that's unusual?  It's nowhere close to being unusual for this time of year.  Or maybe it is, because it's in that area Al Gore scared us by showing the dwindling polar bear population.  I dunno.  Maybe it's global warming after all.

    I won't sleep tonight knowing that American ships and Russian ships are invading us on our arctic shores because they don't recognize our territory any longer.  Wow, I'm glad I was warned about that!  And the icebreakers are sitting idle now...well, I guess it's good for fuel savings but I didn't notice that either.  Maybe it's time to sell them!?

    Thank goodness for the BBC I guess, huh?  And Al Gore.  What would we ever do without their knowledgable insight?  We've long been suspicious of the leftist CBC here though, with good reason.  I'm so glad that the alarmists are, as usual, keeping us so well informed!!

    **Datx...there's no possible way that the temperature is going to increase 2 degrees by 2015.  Since 2000 it's been cooling actually, and this year so far has seen the greatest rate of change.  A British scientist can say whatever he wants I guess, we live in a free society but I have the right to see his opinion as wrong, and I do because it is!

  7. how is that a question?

  8. Obviously we're going through a climate change, I mean can anyone say that it's been the same  the 14th to 15th century-when they didn't "waste energy" as much as now?

    Global Warming has been blown completely out of proportion!

  9. Global warming in it's true and scientific definition can't be measured in days, seasons, or specific geographic locations. Some places on the earth's surfaces are warming and some are cooling, the graph will go up and down somewhat year by year and decade by decade. It's really about VERY long term VERY braod averages.

  10. sure, i agree with you.

    every summer, it's the same mediatized hysteria.

    it's normal to be hot and it's been so hot even 10 years ago or even more.

    global warming is nothing but a fraud. but this doesn't mean pollution isn't for real and that we should be careful as to that.

  11. yes temp is rising day by day

  12. Yes I realize that it is summer, however week before last the temperature here went to 108, where a normal high in mid August is 102, for a much shorter period of time.

  13. yes we all know it's summer but it's more than just summer it's summer but a summer that's almost man made... =(
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