
Global Warming??!!?

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so who here thinks global warming is real and who thinks it is a load of c**p s**z?! i think it is foney baloney bc we hav had changes in the weather patterns 4 ovr a BILLION yrs!! so who is on which side and y?




  1. I think its terrible! The poor polar bears could be extinct in less then 50 years! These poor animals are dying because of it! Are you that cruel that you want the animals to die?

  2. For 20 years people have been talking about global warming, I see no difference.

  3. i know global warming is a liberal democrat thing, so of course i would definetly disagree with it but i think doing all we can to prevent global warming is in our best interests.

  4. ever been to la?    tell me all that smog hs no effect on wheather.

  5. Since only polar bears in one small part of the north are affected, and the ones in most other places are doing fine, I would guess that global warming is so much smoke and mirrors.  Gives Al Gore something to do.

  6. The world is going to ****.

    Global warming!

    OVER poputated!

    Using up all our resourses!

    Human greed, government greed!


    We will be able to watch the end come and it will make us insane.

    Predictions are less then 100 yrs left.

  7. So who here thinks that the human population hasn't increased or changed in 4 billion years? Lol, ya, warming is a myth...are you kidding me?!?!

    No problem here,...everything is just dieing and weather is raging. No problem here, go back to work now.

    I don't know if anyone has studied history but we didn't work in the winter time or a night time, just 100 year ago. Today we work 24/7 and through all four season.

    ...sorry, I just angry that some people don't get it.

  8. Global warming is the invention of America-hating liberals, the same people who 30 years ago said pollution was going to cause a new ice age.
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