
Global Warming speech introduction??help??

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There is no DOUBT that global warming is happening. Don't kid yourself with stupid bullshit about what the earth is undergoing is natural. It is in fact NOT natural and we all need to stop pretending everything is okay. I need an introduction to my Global Warming speech...any saddists please DO NOT contribute. Intelligent witty beings, please do =] thank you! I'm just trying to inform my class of what may happen in the future.




  1. There is no doubt that human activities are speeding up Global warming but this is no reason to misinform your warming has happened before on this planet with devastating effects like triggering the Ice ages,what we can do is to slow the process down so that one day we may be able to find a solution that would avoid the  occurrence (maybe one day we'll be able to create a shield to reduce incoming radiations).I disagree with brainwashing methods they do not educate,they only create a society of "Witch Hunters".

  2. Dr. David Deming (University of Oklahoma)

    “ Around 1996, I became aware of how corrupt and

    ideologically driven current climate research can be.

    A major researcher working in the area of climate

    change confided in me that the factual record

    needed to be altered so that people would become

    alarmed over global warming. He said, "We have to

    get rid of the Medieval Warm Period."

  3. you could play nellys song 'its getting hot in here', or start describing what you think the future will be like in the future if global warming gets the temp. outside will be so hot you won't be able to go outside anymore or something similar..good luck on your presentation

  4. Imagine you waking up like you always do. Take a shower; eat breakfast, until you read the forecast. The low is 140 and the high is 176! This could happen due to global warming.

  5. Australia:

    I think it is getting too big - the general public are doing the flight thing, you know when it all gets too hard, just go to the pub and have a drink and forget about it.

    My husband and I are waiting to put in a solar power & water heating unit on our house - but as yet the government has no incentives for us to do so, we can't afford it on our own but would do it with some assistance (ie. like a low interest loan). The governments of the world have to set the standard, they need to hurry up, stop talking and put in some hard line rules for the everyday person to adhere to. Like with the plastic bag thing - oh dear the poor public it will cost them money if we remove all plastic bags & make them pay for the alternative - they may have to buy 6 enviro shopping bags @ $1.00 each (which will probably last 2-3 years of use). I mean come on $6.00 to $8.00 of investment isn't going to kill the family budget. Not investing in our environment will cause huge problems in the future - with health, food and fuel prices etc. Food prices have gone up dramatically already but people are still in denial. I'm going out to buy my enviro fact I already have them & I can still afford my weekly cappucino. Don't use the usual lines in your speech - they have all been done before, think outside the box. Sorry to put the pressure on!

  6. You already have it in the intro of your question. It was clean cut and to the point and immediately caught my attention. Just leave out the profanity...good luck!

  7. Man made global warming is just a theory that doesn't fit the real world data very well.

    If you want to save the world - maybe you could start by trying to save it from junk science.

  8. Hey Doc.  There is HUGE doubt.  Just read some of the scientific journals.  

    Einstein said this (about his own blindness to truth):  "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."

    Too many facts don't fit the global warming theory.  Why are you ignoring them?

  9. I'm hoping that this is a highschool, or maybe middle school presentation.  If this is your profession you may want to get directions to the local welfare office.

    Global Warming is indeed real.  There is alot of question about whether or not it is still happening ( and this comes from NASA).  Latest data seems to indicate that temperatures stopped increasing in 1998, and started to decrease in 2002, and are down by 0.4 degrees celcius already (while CO2 levels are still increasing).

    If global warming, and global cooling for that matter, was not natural; why has our planet been doing it cyclically for 4.5 billion years.  For that matter, why are Venus and Mars also experiencing global warming right now (could be the sun, but it's much more likely that its all those d**n SUV's on Venus and Mars).

    Also, if you would stop hyperventilating for a second and look at some history, you would see that the heights of human civilization have been during the warm periods.  The two most commonly recognized are the roman warming period, and medieval warming period (produced a thing called the renaissance, you might have heard of it).  As for the claims about disease, the CDC has recently released a report that shows that incidence of disease is actually worse during cold periods than during warm.

    So, as to the introduction to your speech, here is my recommendation:

    I, like you, have been caught up in the emotion, hysteria, and group think of the last two decades.  I, like you, have been brainwashed to believe that man, and more specifically, the USA, is the root of all evil, and that evil threatens to not just kill us, but destroy the world as well.  I'm here today to inform you that we are all easily swayed, uninquisitive simpletons who have been fed a line of pap that has no basis in science and we should all feel foolish for being so sucked in.

  10. Since we don't know what level you are trying to pitch at this is difficult. A seven year old would require a different pitch than an eighteen year old.

    I'm also guessing that this is for a class project and there are going to be several speeches that same the same thing. With this in mind you can either follow what everyone else is going to say or look at finding a different way.

    You could try looking for the benefits and then pointing out flaws. Like New York would have weather like Florida so great for people who like to sit on the beach, but most of New York would be under water so not so great if you currently live on the coast.

    An Introduction along the lines of,

    We've all heard about Global warming and it is a topic with a lot of debate going on in the scientific community. The one area that everyone areas on is that the earth goes a period of natural cycles of heating and cooling and the earth is currently in one of the heating cycles. Whether or to what extent humans have an effect on this is still debated. The question that springs to my mind is whether Climate change, or Global Warming as it is also referred to, is such a bad thing.

    Areas that can be covered are water shortage, food shortage, skin cancer rates, respiratory conditions, water levels, etc.

  11. Try a quote:

    "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction."

    Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)

    " Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil but as a necessity, or even a duty. "

    Simone Weil (1909 - 1943), Gravity and Grace, 1947

  12. I suggest you can copy the following clipped lines as the GW introductionary speech.WASHINGTON - April 30 - In The Day After Tomorrow,

    an ice age blankets North America in 96 hours. While

    this could never happen so quickly in real life, Earth's

    average temperature is warming, and at a faster rate

    than at any time in recorded history. This warming is

    due mostly to pollution generated by human activity,

    primarily the burning of fossil fuels. The predicted

    impacts of this warming are already visible around the

    globe. Your next step is to do some research on the topic of global warning, Google Search has tons of information on the topic of GW. You also can take some of the lines from the following websites.

    I can tell you Hong Kong currently has 1.5 million citizens have contracted with chronicle diseases of heart, lung, and asthma. All these diseases are air pollution caused. More than one million outpatients are needed to visit public hospitals and private clinics periodically, and all of them are needed to swallow different kinds of pills on a daily basis. More the 400,000 are hospitalized and awaiting to wrap up their pain in the butt chronicles. The total population of Hong Kong is close to 7 millions. I am sick of Hong Kong foul air. I stepped on dogshits every day because my poor eyesights due to old and air pollution effect.

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