
Global Warming theory falling apart?

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Former CBS News correspondent Bernie Goldberg says the liberal mainstream media is largely ignoring the voices of scientists and academics who are skeptical of the notion that global warming is caused by human activity.




  1. Funny how some people dismiss any scientist that doesnt agree with the pet hypothesis of global warming as being paid for by oil companies, but no one challenges the Followers and their grant money and government appointed jobs.

    It has always been a tactic of those who cannot substantiate their claims to use ad hominem attacks when they cannot produce a valid counter argument.

  2. How many "scientists" and "academics" are just trying to make a quick buck off of a controversy that they themselves created?

  3. LIFES THOUGHTS CHANGE, CLICK ON THIS==  THIS ARTICLE WAS PUBLISHED 4-2-08. AT THE BEGINNING I WAS TOLD I'M ONE OF THE SMARTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH. I'VE BEEN INTERVIEWED TWICE. In the late 1940's or early 1950's a band leader started building a object, then launched it. today its known as Haley's Comet. Nasa is having the Hubble telescope track a incoming object. I contacted the Hubble and suggested they put a camera on the Hubble tracking the large incoming object, because Haley's Comet is on a collision course with that object and its not a asteriod, no matter what the military thinks. this large object is the second part to our global problem.= such are the facts of life.===Also theirs something protecting our planet and our galaxy. when a major problem occurs in the future, some are picked out to fix the problem, like Bill Halley building a object 70 years in advance to stop our planet from being destroyed. think about it.  have a nice day.   mike

  4. Yes, the model used to predict run away gorebull warming doesn't match actual climate data.  It seems that the earth has been cooling for several years in a row, and that at the same time CO2 concentrations have been rising.

    Its very inconvenient that the actual climate data won't support the enslavement of mankind by the gorebull warming leftist.  

    I guess they'll have to come up with some other pretense for stripping away freedom.  After all leftist elites have a strong need to save us from ourselves.  The certain path to disaster would be just to leave us alone and mind their own business.

  5. And! We have know for some time that there were problems with the models, the theory and reality is worse in some places and warmer in others and even colder sometimes. You can fool all the people sometime, part of the people most of the time....

  6. Hey, if Bernie says it, I suppose we should ignore these people:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Who all disagree with him.

    Personally, I think the media pays way too much attention to the very few "skeptics".

  7. You mean the author of "Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve"?

    Sounds like he's getting ready for another book.  Controversy sells, you know.  Let's stick to what the SCIENTISTS have to say...about the correspondence between sunspots and climate change.

  8. oooh! Really?

  9. How many scientists and academics have the oil companies bought?

    Just watch Fox "News" and it will make you feel better.

  10. It's true,

    and there are thousands of climate professionals that disagree with the thought of CO2 causing temperature to rise and that the earth is at a tipping point for warming catastrophe.

    In fact, try to find a list of meteorologists from local TV stations that agree with the hoax.

    Why is it called the Drive by Media?

    Global Warming is nothing but a meal ticket for these scabs.

    If you try to take the gravy train away, you are a skeptic, Holocaust denier, outlier..etc..etc..etc..

    Liberal politicians are even making up fake biblical scripures on the subject of global warming.

    It's a last ditch effort.

  11. It may not be caused by human activity (or it may be).  However, spewing toxins into the air and increasing pollution is not going to help us either way!  Do you add the contents of your trash can to your room b/c it's messy anyway?

  12. I BELIEVE YOU! Please, it must have been an oversight but you forgot to attach the links to the scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals that prove that you are right.  Please update your question with these links.

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