
Global Warming? what do you think?

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i am doing a gcse in Marlborough school and i need peoples opinions on the questin Are People To Blame For Global Warming? make sure to consited about cars, pollution, recycling etc. etc. i need your answers thanks




  1. It seems to me that when you read all the different opinions and data available on this issue,  that weather or climate goes in cycles .It's always the coldest or hottest somewhere .We just went through one of the coldest Mays I can remember .My tomatoes froze after I set them out after memorial day , which I have come to think is safe here in upstate NY. This global warming scare was already going on in 2000 when Clinton urged immediate action , citing Florida's warm weather in a single month (June)as proof that it was urgent. But then November-December 2000 were the two coldest months in US history (  Dan Rather , " Experts confirm this was the coldest Nov-Dec on record in US history   ", CBS evening News, Jan 5 , 2001    )  

    Even though global warming proponents are making claims of new unusual heat , for instance this claim by Laurie David, said at the end of 2005," We just came through a September which was the hottest since records were taken ." Except in Aberdeen SD. Aberdeen 's hottest days were in July 1936, when the temp hit 115 on two days. Ottawa still has not matched it's record of 1955 , it's hottest summer ever. Jan of 1977 was Ohio's coldest Month ever . In Omaha,the coldest Month was Feb 1936, and it's 2d coldest was Dec 1983,(Omaha World Herald, Dec 21 2000 ) .In Jan of 2004 Boston had it's coldest month in 70 years . The author I am quoting wrote that maybe what we are seeing now may be the beginning of the new ice age that some of these same scientists were predicting back in the 1970s .

    In Jan of 2002 the journal SCIENCE published the findings of scientists who who had been measuring the vast West Antartic Ice Sheet . Far from melting, it turned out the ice sheet was growing thicker.The researchers were NASA's engineer, Ian R.Joughin (Pasedena Laboratory) and Slawek Tulaczyk, a professor of earth science at the University of CA,Santa Cruz. At the same time the journal NATURE  published the findings of scientist Peter Doran and his colleagues at the University of Illinois . Instead of using the UN's "computer models" the researchers took actual temperature readings . It turned out temperature's in the Antartic have been getting slightly colder -not warmer-for the last 30 years .

      I would really encourage you to study this yourself with an open mind .It's politicly correct right now to believe this stuff . But even if it is getting warmer lots of scientists believe that the cycles in climate change are not effected by human efforts one way or another . I personally believe that we can rest assured in God's promise in Genesis 8-22

    "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat , and summer and winter , and day and night shall not cease"

  2. Global warming is a natural occurrence, easily proven by looking at historic solar activity and historic climate records.  Man's influence on climate is immeasurably small.

  3. I'm not even sure I even believe Global Warming is real. I don't readily believe everything on television.

  4. Yes. It is people faults, people and BUSH. Cars-If peple would just walk more! some people live a block away from school and still ride the car. At least carpool!! Recycing helps, I do it, my old school just starting doing it. As for pollution- at school this boy I know was right next to the garbage but threw his chip bag on the floor, I grab his backpack and made him pick it up...I dont get it he was really like 1 foot away from the garbage!!!

        For your gcse I suggest watching  The Incovinent Truth.

    Good Movie!

  5. I tend to feel that global warming is very much hyped up as a topic. Yes some warming is bound to happen through the very fact that humans exist. But the earth itself has had many many climactic changes occur throughout its history.

    I have followed this discussion on global warming since 1978 and while I did jump on the bandwagon back then I continued to look at many aspects and changed my views over time.

    I am inclined to feel that people overrate 'disovery' of things such as holes in the ozone layer - just because we didn't know about something doesn't mean it wasn't there before, just that we didn't know it. Also if warming doing  damage then why is the main hole over the coldest and cleanest continent?

    Doesn't anyone ever consider things like earth changing its axis? Or remember that we are slowly but surely moving closer to the sun? These would be far more likely to cause climate change than anything else.

    Many years ago I read an article that suggested climate change made a good political football and now I feel they are running with that ball.

    Better to be safe than sorry though so I try to be as 'green' concious as possible without being dogmatic.

    Looking at some parts the world now can show you how it might have been in the past - inland sandy deserts with seashells for example. The Earth is not dead it evolves and changes as it has in the past it will into the future - the idea should be to think ahead and move with it not fight it.

  6. Just go to your high school history book and read a little bit of it. Just a cursory skim through documented history shows two periods when it was considerably warmer than it is right now. And two clear periods where it was much colder than it is right now and that is only since the time of christ which was in the middle of the Roman optimum.

  7. well..for me it is definitely people to blame for global warming. vehicles(cars,bus etc) have caused pollution to our atmosphere. Toxic waste and such have polluted the aquatic environment. Pollution is pretty much increasing every year. I heard (might not be true) a rumour that the world is going to end in 20 yrs.

  8. Were people to blame for the global cooling of the 60's and 70's?  Seriously, people have little effect on global warming.  In about 30 years all you "prophets of doom" will be crying about global's a natural geological occurance.  The Earth has a history of rising and cooling temps.  Yes, our emissions have a small effect in aiding it, and we should find ways to cut down emissions, find alternate energy sources, but even if we don't, the living, breathing Earth will adapt and cool naturally.    And Al Gore?  what does he know about geology or cosmology to be an expert of the Earth?  And geological history? He's making money off of scared people, and using fear tactics to try to push an agenda...not cool (but the Earth will be cool again in out lifetimes!)...Take it to the bank!

  9. I agree that through study of the earths strata, we "know" that global warming happens naturally at various parts of our planets history. That is not to say the Human beings haven't helped it along. Pumping large amounts of co2 and ozone into the atmosphere cannot possibly be good for the planet. Also, natural global warming happens over many, many years, but we have seen an incredible jump in just the past hundred. We must conclude that human progress has influenced the environment. When it comes to polluting less; even if we don't feel that humans are the cause of global warming, why not become more environmentally friendly anyway? If we have the means, then lets use them. We know pollution effects other areas of the environment besides the warming of the Earth. We, as humans, need to just do what is right for both us and our earth.

  10. Bring up the fact that the VIkings came across the Atlantic & set up settlements on Greenland. This was, what a thousand years ago?

    They couldnt maintain the settlements because it got cold. You cannot settle comfortably there now. Therefore, it was very much warmer climate-wise a thousand years ago. Given that fact, how can anyone worry about global warming?

    The problem is people building to close to the ocean, in flood plains, and that there's just too many people in the first place.

  11. Raise your hand if you are an atmospheric scientist.  Why should we care what anyone else thinks about whether people are to blame for warming?  Isn't it a matter of fact, not opinion?

  12. well i believe people are the cause of global warming. pollution from cars go into the ozone and break it down. but there are many ways  to pprevent it. such as using hybrid cars to use less gas, planting trees which give off oxygen, or recycling so we dont have to keepp making for products just using the same ones more than once.

    Good luck on your repport. I dont live to far from marlbrough its nice up there.

  13. people are definetely the blame and thats why we have to fix it. Ä°t's cruelty and is killing the environment. We should all work togather because one doing a little change, changes the whole world.

  14. I believe that it's a natural phenomenon and we contribute far less than Al Gore would like you to believe. We should be greener and look for alternative fuels anyway, but we shouldn't be going nuts over it. My opinion.

  15. No, global warming is natural. It's just human arrogance to think they can have an impact on the climate.

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