
Global Warming...what do you think?

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I personally don't know what to think of this whole save the world from it's self/ i mean this whole thing doesn't personnally make real sense.. i mean we have polluted way to much for our own good and i mean pulution is wrong but i don't know if the world is really going to just overflow with water. I know this sounds really blond and c**p but really the iceburgs are melting but do you feel how cold it is right now? The iceburgs are not going anywhere any time soon. And really let's say i throw a peice fo bubble gum onto the ground what is it really going to do? But yet people scream with peiced voices GLOBAL WARNING IT"S GLOBAL WARMING! i really don't know if this a big thing the government is trying to distract us from boycotting the war in iraq. It really makes me confused on may levels.I Also worry if it is true that we would have the materials to survive.I also believe in god and he strictly said that he would not flood the earth again.So should i pull out a tube or hope4da best?




  1. I'm all for global warming.  I hate the cold.

  2. I just watched An inconvenient Truth for the first time over the weekend and I noiced that a lot of the "evidence" on global warming also shows that the current temperature trend is cyclic.  The graphs showed many spiks in temp right before Ice ages, so I think we are heading for a big melt and another ice age as part of the Eart's cycle.

  3. The simple fatc remain that Science is not an exact, there is nothing yet to prove it eithr does exist or does not, anyone who says it does or doesnot is simply expressing their owns vieews, there is no know exact onthis subject

    I spoke recently with 2 Meteorlogist both are Registetred with the American Meteoroly Association are certified Weather Epole, and they told me that any comments either way are simply the view of that person or person's that there simply is not enough evidence yet to say yes or no onthis subject,

    I mentione Al Gore and his movement, I also mentioned comments that Jogn Coleman founder of the Weather Channel made, Gore got a Nobel Piece Prize for his Movie an Inconvieiant Truth, John Colemans says their is no evidence he has seen that Golbal Warminig exisit, i ask these 2 weather epole how 2 inteligentm, peole could have 2 differnt points on this subject andthey both replied "THese are soley their own views, the  science on this  is simply not  exactly yet and may not be for many years if ever"

  4. We only think ANNA should not be WARMING.....!!!!

  5. hopa4da best.

  6. Watch this.It might help you answer some of these questions.

  7. idk wat to think on that matter cuz just like u said we have already polluted the world way to much so idk

  8. Global Warming is happening and although we don't feel the inpact, it's going on. In 2040, all the ice in the Arctic will be GONE! That may not seem like a big deal but when that happens ALL the animals in the Arctic will be GONE! That includes polar bears, walruses, penguins, and many more. We are trying to restore the ice but its not going to hold much longer. If everyone threw one piece of trash on the ground instead of in a trash can or recycling bin, do you know how much trash would be left unkept. There would be trash just floating around because some careless people were just to lazy to walk to a trashbin and throw it out!

        I think you REALLY need to see this movie called the Arctic Tale. It won't take much time to see its only about an hour, but it will move you. It moved me because although I did care about Global Warming before the movie, this really changed my life. I would like to try and share this movie with EVERYONE! It may not be possible but I am going to try. Please, I beg of you, PLEASE watch this movie. From it, you will see the effects of our wrong doing.

         If you throw a piece of gum on the ground, a bird will think its food. That bird will choke and die. The animal that eats that bird, that could've been starving, will die because that bird should've been its food to keep it aliva a little longer. Then a whole chain of effects come along. Cause and effect, cause and effect. You may not think this is possible but it is.

         Please listen to me. Not many people will think this is important but it is. I really want you to watch ,The Arctic Tale.

    Thank you for reading, and thank the rest of you for reading this as well.

  9. Wtf? global warming is real! it just has slow-long-lasting effects. and just cause god said that he wouldn't flood the earth again. thats not the worst that could happen! the earth will split and out will come pouring lava, the oceans could evaporate before they flood. we could have a diluge of rain, cold temperatures will spread across the world, humankind will be diminished and at the point of extinction. the heavens will split and lightning will strike the world. future generations will curse the day their ancestors laid foot on this wolrd and the radiation from nuclear tests will distort the human face into the most gruesome of beings. ..the swamp thing.

  10. omg i am so scared of global warming.... even though there will be bigger beaches but no town to visit them to!

  11. if u belive in god global warming is stuipd!

  12. In hopes you help you out with your question in its entirety, I would suggest you take a look at some of the works by top scientists, and even cosmoligists (even stephen hawking has great theories on the matter).

    Remember, the truth of global warming, is that we don't have the answers. No matter what anyone tells you, you can never be sure because there isn't a whole lot of empirical evidence on the matter besides what we see occuring in our planets past through fossils and geostudies, and other planets present.

    In short, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It may not even be something we cause or can change! Don't let the crazies scare you, but don't be ignorant enough to disbelieve the possibility that this is naturally occuring. Our planet has a cycle :)

  13. lol.

    i think people should be more aware. & before i knew all about it i thought it was global warning... but i no what its all about now..

  14. I am all for recycling and solar energy, etc but I do not believe 100% in global warning. The same scientists who in the 70's who preached we needed to melt the ice caps because the world was freezing are now preaching about global warming. The planet goes through cooling and warming cycles and I do not think science has been able to study that long enough to have a difinitive answer and say what is happening now is because of humans and not just part of the natural cycle of things.   Do more reading (not just youtube) on both sides of the story and see what you think.

  15. u r jus thinkin bout present......tink bout future that day ll surely come wen der ll be no land for practical god saves them who help thier self ........if there is god den y is so innocent people hv been killd in iraq.....the temp of arh is increasin ...n iceburg are meltin with heavy rate n lavel of water is risein instead of scearmin global amin global warmin........jus try to work to reduce the pollution lavel...

    n try to convince oder to do so...1+1 makes 11

  16. i think that yeah we should recycle and try to stop pollution and make everything more environment friendly, im all for that, but i dont believe in the global warming at all, its called WEATHER, back in the seventies everyone thought there was going to be an iceage and theres not any real proof of global warming, i mean what can you say, its hot out? how is that caused by global warming? last time i checked, warmer weather was caused by the sun

  17. well i think people should recycle more throw trash away and not cause that much pollution

  18. the Nobel Prize committee has never gotten it wrong.

    and they affirmed the IPCC analysis that there is a very serious problem.

    don't listen to those who tell you they did their own research.

    the IPCC has access to hundreds of scientists who do that every day.

    for someone to tell you that he/she has done their own, and finds the IPCC wrong is just not true.

    look at the money.

    the scientists are going to get paid anyway, no matter what they say.

    in fact, the current administration has threatened some who disagreed with that they would like to have us believe.

    the energy industry pays quite a lot to folks who publicly deny, or confuse the issue, of global warming.

    they are really worried about their future profits if the US requires a reduction in coal and oil use.

    so no, you shouldn't put out a tube.  nor should you just hope for 4da best.  you should support political candidates who recognize the problem and promise to work on it.  if you're young, global warming will seriously affect your future.  the sooner we as a society do something, the better it will be for you later.

  19. At this point I think Global Warming is un-deniable.  On what scale?  Nobody knows for sure, but it is a real threat, and not a simple flunctuation in temp. as some people claim.  I think that we should start conserving much more energy, and stop living as if someone else will clean up our mistakes for us.  There is no easy way to reverse what we have done, but if we all start becoming a little more aware, it could really help.  At this point its almost selfish and ignorant to deny global warming.

  20. global warming is occuring and contrary to its name, it does not mean that the earth is going to boil over.  the temperature is going to fluctuate from it being really cold and all of a sudden, to a really warm temperature.  also, the seasons (as you can see) are changing as well.  winters are not as cold as they used to be (or they're reallly cold) and summers are getting extremely hot.

    moreover, the glaciers are melting at a rapid pace.  if you look at one of my sources, there are pictures of glaciers from 19something to 2004.  there is a huge difference between both.  there's even one from 2000 to 2004 and almost all of the ice has melted.  the glaciers melting will have a severe effect on us.  there will be a shortage of pure water since the water we will have will be salty.  also, some creatures in the ocean will die due to low-salinity.  not only will oceanic species die, royal bengal tigers will die due to the rise in sea level.  people who live in areas with rivers connected to the HImalayan glaciers will have their town flooded due to the excess of water.

    although some may say that it's not affecting us now, it is...greatly.  you don't have to believe in global warming, but no one can deny the fact that the temperatures are rising and that the glaciers are melting.

  21. its killing the Adilie Penguins and melting Ice caps

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