Wife and I watched National Geographic last night, a program called "Six Degrees" where-in they examined the effects of a gradual increase of temperature.
What we saw was extremely alarming. In 2003, in London England (correct me if I'm wrong), something like 45,000 people died from an unusual heat wave. This wasn't reported in the US, so it was the first we heard of it. VERY SCARRY STUFF. They also examined the Ice Glaciers of Greenland. They are falling into the sea and melting at the rate of 7.9 miles per year. WOW! ! ! That should shake you up/
In the Himalayas, the glaciers that they depend on for water during the summer has been receding over the last 50 years, and soon there will be NO water for the summer.
These are facts! PLEASE PLEASE research the subject and get active - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.