
Global Warming...yet 15 degrees in the middle of August?

by Guest66558  |  earlier

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Global warming continues to have a huge threat on our planet, as claimed by the media, yet why is this one of the coolest and wettest summers we've had in a while? I'm sitting in a sweater right now and I hardly used my AC at all this year. What's your opinion?




  1. One of the biggest problems scientists have when trying to explain climate change to the general public is that most people don't understand the difference between climate and weather.  The temperature from one day to the next, one year to the next, even one decade to the next - that's not climate, that's weather.  Weather fluctuates all the time, exhibiting variations around the mean state.

    Climate is the mean state, the average temperature over periods of 20 years and more.  Absolutely nothing can be concluded about the state of the climate from the temperature in one particular year.  The climate is what's changing, not the year-to-year variations.  The trend is upwards and the climate is getting steadily warmer.  This will of course have an impact on the weather, but climate and weather are two very different things and should not be confused with each other.

  2. Sapphire, where do you live?

  3. well where do you live? cus hear in california it gets at least up to 90 every day

    global warming does not just mean a hot climate, it means that we will have weird weather paterns

  4. Exactly.  Alarmist claim that temperatures are rising, we only have 18 months, 100 months, 10 years to act depending on who is spreading the word of doom, yet the summer is one of the coldest following a winter of above snow and cold.

    Believers use the cold to prove that the Earth is warming, thinking that they can find truth in contradictions. The truth is that man cannot cause any change in something as huge as the climate.  The Sun is responsible for all warming here on Earth.

    Cold weather isn't going to stop the believer as they will make the claim that a years worth of weather isn't climate, yet have just one week of above average temps, and that is proof that "global warming" is real.

  5. Yes this year is beginning to have the same feel as 1948-49 when it dipped suddenly for a period of about 10 years. We even had snow in Los Angeles a couple of time in 1951 and again in 1975. Young people that have not experienced any of these climate cycles I can understand falling for the con, but older people should know better because they have gone through it before.

  6. I know.  This was the second July in a row that I had to use my car heater at times...can't remember that ever happening before.  

    But of course it's just weather...not evidence of global cooling.

  7. Yes, there are natural cooling and heating processes around the earth, and yes, this has been happening for forever.

    However, global warming refers to the raising of the "average" world temperature. This dosen't mean that all places in the world are going to heat up. alot will cool down.

    yes, we are going through a "hot period" in the eath at the moment, and the thing that we are doing is raising this "hot period" even more by emitting too much CO2 into the air that contributes to the greenhouse effect. this means that we are trapping all the heat in.

    alot of evidence exists for the fact that there is global warming: the melting of the ice caps, and increased intensity and numbers or natural disasters.

    yes, all that comes up must come down. but this next "cold period" that is coming up is what scientists are really worried about. we're headed into the next ice age because of global warming and the greenhouse effect.

    Past ice ages happened because the world's ocean currents got messed up. becuase of the rapid melting of the icecaps, all of that cold water being poured into the ocean is going to do more than raise the water table: its going to mess up with the natural currents. we're headed to another ice age. thats what is going to happen

    watch The Day After Tomorrow. it's a good representation of what will happen, though things aren't going to happen that drastic or that fast.  

  8. There's something weird about this year.

    They'll tell you weird weather is global warming, that it's really climate change, and it's still caused by CO2, and that global warming doesn't mean "the planet has a fever."

    But, that's obviously not what they were saying when it was warmer.

    I think the alarmists do their cause more harm than good.   If they'd said from the beginning, "this is a field of science that is relatively young, we don't know what's going to happen, but adding this much CO2 is probably bad" then I think they'd have gotten more buy-in to moderate proposals, a lot earlier.    But it is the pattern of Greenpeace, UCS, Sierra Club, PIRG, etc.... to declare a state of emergency and to insist that they know precisely what they are talking about.    

    And to an extent, if the CO2 theory is correct, then those groups are partially responsible, since they're the ones who ran the nuclear train off its tracks in the late 1970s.

  9. Supposed to be around 100 from wednesday to monday next week.   Hardly ever that hot here, much less in August.   That doesn't have anything to do with GW on such a short time scale, yet since you mention it being 15 wherever you are I thought I'd mention it.

  10. Please look up the definition of the word "Global".

  11. Time for some to flip flop...just for today.  Can't wait to see what kind of retarded answers you get.  I am in the common sense and logic category that thinks the earth has natural cycles.  Wait till you see a hot spell..then you will have "them" all over this forum pulling a chicken little.

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