
Global Warnimg?

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Do you not know it is a farce? There is no global warming. Al Gore stands to make millions from the market and fear he has created. He is now the primary investor in alteranative energy. What say you?




  1. exaclty!!!

      ur absolutely correct.

    enviormentalists persuade you to believe that the earth is heating... but like a couple years ago they thought it was freezing..

    i mean seriously... WTF??

  2. 1 - It isn't a farce (check any of the questions in this forum for ALL the studies, science, facts, etc). What is a farce is the state of the education system that lets people somehow get through school with no knowledge. Either that or some people are just plain stupid - there can be no other reason for why people still deny basic facts.

    2 - Where do you get this knowledge about Al Gore's finances - care to share your source or are you just making up absolute bullsh*t - lying your face off in other words

    3 - Warren Buffet - a vey conservative individual is making far more off the market

    4 - The primary investors in alternative energy are in Germany. Again, care to share a source or will you continue just to babble on without a shred of truth...

  3. Scientist have been warning about global warming since the 70's.

    Al Gore was just smart enough to take advantage of it.

    A smart person would follow his lead and start trying to figure out how to make money from it themselves.

    look at all of the companies that have followed Mc Donalds example and started making money off from fast food.

  4. Remember how preposterous it was when scientists started to suggest that the moon goes round the earth and the earth goes round the sun?

    It looked very suspicious, and beside it appeared to contradict both scripture and long held scientific opinion.

    Of course today nobody would find the idea quite as preposterous.

    But we must never use this argument as proof that scientists always know best. Up to that time most of the scientists had no clue how our solar planetary system functioned. They know more now, but not everything.

  5. Oh shut up. Global Warming is real. One guy wouldnt just wake up one morning and say "hmm.. I though of a thing called global warming. I think im going to scare everyone for s**+ts and giggles"

    Scientists all over the world have proof and evidence of this, so just stop saying that its a lie.

  6. yes i no ive also watch alex jones talk and it seems so real when he presents fake evidence its interesting how far some people will go just to scare peopl.Global Warming is real my friend perma ice is melting for the first time in over 100 years

  7. I did not know about this but I believe you, and yes people will do anything for money, but as far as warming you can check the record highs and it  hasn't varied that much if any

  8. if al gore is the primary investor in alternative energy it is because he's smart. for two reasons.

    1. alternative energy firms need investment for research and development, marketing, etc. Just like any other industry, it needs investment to grow. Since al gore believes that alternative energy needs to grow large enough to one day replace fossil fuels, it makes sense that he would heavily invest in the alternative energy industry.

    2. Not only will he help the alternative energy industry grow by investing in it, he will also stand to make lots of money when demand for alt energy does increase.

    Just because he'll make money of it, doesnt mean he's a bad guy. Its just economics.

  9. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd because of people like you, the world is going to h**l.

  10. If you say that global warming is just a farce then where's your proof! There is no proof out there that al gore just wants to make money by scaring people. There is proof that the world is warming. You can't just say that millions of scientists just made up the of this information. You're telling me that when scientists say the since the late 1800s the earths average temperature has increase by 1.0 to 1.8 °F is just made up, fake. Or that the levels of CO2 have risen 30% since the industrial revolution in the 1800s was made up by some idiot to scare people. The facts are there to support that global warming is real. However there are absolutly NO facts supporting the idea that people are just trying make money off of it. There are only the opinions of those who refuse to believe that it is real because they want to rebel against the truth. And those who get their facts from opinions that al gore only wants to make money. Unless you find a legidimate fact that states that global warming is just to scare people and to make money, you should not be telling people lies about global warming. Just read some TRUTHFUL articles and you'll see you mind will be quickly changed around.

    You abviously know nothing because you can't even spell global warming or global warning-whatever you were trying to say- right!

  11. If global warming is a farce, then what cut are all the scientific organizations getting?  Well respected organizations like NAS, AAAS, and NASA say global climate change is real, a threat, and we need to act.  Is Al Gore paying them all off?  I doubt it.

    "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society. Accumulating data from across the globe reveal a wide array of effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilization of major ice sheets, increases in extreme weather, rising sea level, shifts in species ranges, and more. The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now."

    AAAS Board Statement on Climate Change
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