
Global "warming"...? (according to Al Gore)?

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China is currently experiencing the most "snow" ever... Snow has fallen in Baghdad for the first time in recorded history... The temps. in the Artic have been recorded the coldest since 1906. (and the "colder" events are coming in from all over the Globe as never before)... So, where's the Global warming ?




  1. a few years will always be be warmer or colder then others global warming wont stop that. also i dont think you should be using china as the world tamp gauge.

  2. global warming isn't really warming it puts the world into an ice age the atmosphere does warm up melting the polar caps dumping millions of gallons of  fresh water into the atlantic ocean lowering the salinity the atlantic coveyor which carries warm water from the equator north and the cold water south the conveyor also cotrols and carries storms, jetstreams etc. the fresh water will slow this coveyer down when this happens the warm water will stop going north causing things to get warmer in the south but extreme frigid temps north the polar caps will refreeze and yhe storms in the south will continue to get worse the cold will migrate south until we are in an ice age dont believe me look it up according to research ice ages happen every 10,000 years we are atleatst 10,000 years over due

  3. the earth goes through fazes the last ice age was in the 16th century and it renews itself every so many years through evolution, this is how it regenerates itself

  4. global warming is all hype, not only china experiencing most snow ever but also north america,  you know whats scary is how the sheep just accept and believe whatever they are told by the left.

  5. Global warming is over:


    Some of the warmers now say global warming is CAUSING the temperatures to plummet:

    That's because they've changed it from global warming to climate change - now whatever happens, they blame us.

    And that's because they have so much invested in this:

  6. Both sides of the argument are probably wrong and neither will ever admit it.  This will go on, and we all miss the point, life is about treating one another with respect and helping each other. That is what will change the planet we live on.

  7. Forget all that 'hype'. People are reaching for reasons why things are happening the way they are but are forgetting the real reason for all of this. It's call ENTROPY.

    Nothing we do can overcome the effects of entropy. We can slow down the effects, but that is it. There certain physical laws in the universe that cannot be broken. Simply put, first you have the main Laws of Thermodynamics - they are;

    1) You can't win

    2) You can't even break even

    3) You can't get out of the game

    Then there are the physical paradoxes that appear. The main 3 are;

    1) You can't catch up

    2) You can't even start

    3) You can't even move

    We have ignored these basic laws for so long we are doomed. We are already using 20% more energy than the earth and produce. In other words, we 'owe' energy. That is impossible to do. We are living on borrowed time. Just think, the next time the population doubles, like in the next 15 years, we will be using 40% more energy than the earth can produce. How long do you really think we can sustain that kind of living?

    While the masses wait for the Engineers and Scientists (or the Messiah, tsk-tsk) to save the world with a “by the time I get cancer there will be a cure for it” attitude, this is an example of what is;

    Nobel chemist Frederick Soddy pointed out over 70 years ago: “Debts are subject to the laws of mathematics rather than physics. Unlike wealth, which is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, debts do not rot away with old age and are not consumed in the process of living. On the contrary, they grow at so much per cent per annum, by the well known mathematical laws of simple and compound interest”

    Economist Herman Daly explains the inevitable consequences that result when society pits the mathematical notions of compound interest against the physical reality of thermodynamics. He says that while debt can grow at compound interest forever, real physical wealth cannot continue to grow at the same speed “because its physical dimension is subject to the destructive forces of entropy.” He concludes: “Since wealth cannot continually grow as fast as debt, the one to one relation between the two will at some point in time be broken- i.e. there must be some repudiation or cancellation of debt. The positive feedback of compound interest must be offset by counter acting forces of debt repudiation, such as inflation, bankruptcy, or confiscatory taxation, all of which breed violence.”

    At every step in the entire production and exchange process, work is done; namely, energy is expended by both humans and machines. Part of that energy is absorbed into the product and part is wasted. This means that the more stages in the economic process, the more energy is lost. The same principle is at work in the production process as in the simple food chain. In highly industrial societies the stages of the economic process continue to proliferate, meaning more and more energy is dissipated all along the line; and the resultant disorders create even greater long-range problems for society.

  8. You know...  I was wondering the same thing as I walked in to work today.  Average temps for this time of year in my area are in the upper 30's and it has been colder than average -  I am freezing my bum off!!

  9. Stop trying to convince the global warming nuts that it is all BS. the truth of the matter is the Global Warming movement has not got anything to do with the earth warming up. It is basically a rallying cry to galvanize people similar to if we got invaded by aliens to convince people of the wealthy nations to be taxed heavily and transfer some of that money to the the poorer nations with of course government being the middle man would be getting a substantial cut.

  10. This is just a colder winter than average, which happens, even with global warming.

    This graph shows what's going on.  Individual years may be warmer or colder than average, but the average keeps moving up.  That's global warming.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    By the way, Al Gore has nothing to do with the proven science of global warming.  He just tells people about it in a general way.

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