
Global warming, how many people think the government is not reporting the truth?

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scientist and the goverment have conflicting reports about the current global warming effects, why is this so?




  1. The government needs to play down global warming, so it can continue to use oil and run industry relatively unimpeded.

  2. Yes, it is indeed obvious that the Government have kept a hand over the scientists mouth, not to spill the beans more than they already have (remind you of anything? Area 51???)

    My best guess is that their economics and profit comes from oil, and stuff un-recycleabale... meaning if the truth actually got around that there is a Global Warming and that we are going to die in the year 2012... what would people do??? Think about it.

    People would start panicking, the precentage of suicides will propably will go way up, and the population of major cities of decrease, meaning the profit and the $$$ the government is making would all go to h**l.

    Then there will be extreme panick where people will be moving out to Nature-Friendly places (not a lot left) leaving the government with nothing, nada, zero.

    But many of this has been considered that we are going to die in the year 2012, the thing why the population isn't extremely decreasing is because many people are on the side of the scientists who still have blindly closed their eyes, and turned their backs to this, while the other is still waiting to have the say "Yes, its true" from the SCIENTISTS and the GOVERNMENT...

    Whoopsie-do for the government, because like Area 51, eventually the truth will go around, if it ever will, because we still don't really know if there are Aliens in Area 51 or not, or if they are still trying to transform the bodies from Area 51 to Area 57, who the h**l knows? So, yes, the government is keeping their mouth shut... and go ahead... arrest me ... I got something to back-fire on you government... my RIGHTS of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!

  3. When the Earth is warmer I beleive the sun has more to do with it than anything.

    GW is just the latest in a long list of panic issues to get policies in place for certain peolpe to have more control.

  4. The proponents of GW are in it for taxing us with carbon emmisions tax, and the REAL scientist that say its not happening have nothing to gain

  5. Some fools here actually think you're asking if the govt is making up the global warming story.  

    The exact opposite it what is true.

    Bush had a study done by climate scientists and then he had his lawyers change the wording in the report to suit his own ideas, and or biases.

       The scientists were afraid to speak the truth if they wanted to keep their jobs.

  6. It is clear that the US government has been censoring the scientists on a number of issues because "facts" often contradict with the opinions of our current administration.[1] Why would climate science be any different?

    Read "Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming" for more information.

    James Hansen's interview with NPR:

  7. The government seems to be relatively unconcerned with the problem, and more concerned with getting oil.

  8. The govt doesn't tell the truth about much. I believe much of global warming is natural; Mars polar ice caps are receeding as well. The Earth is a living thing; it is going to die and I think it's just ever-changing just like everything else.

  9. There are more polar bears today than 40 years ago

    the Attic cap is melting and the Antarctic cap is growing

    we don't hear both sides so people don't believe everything they hear.

    Yes we have destroyed our planet but to what extent is still unknown

    the ocean rose 1 foot in the 20 century but

    it also rose 1 foot in the 19 century

  10. goverment keeps us from panicing and doesnt lie

    the scientists lie/bend the truth for popularity/money

  11. You don't specify which government agency, so it's hard to answer your question.  While there have been some indications of scientific reports being edited by partisan political appointees, most of the valid data comes out in scientific journals.  The media has done a fair job of covering the issue.

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