
Global warming, please give me your opinion?

by Guest61640  |  earlier

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what do YOU think about global warming?

do YOU think it is real?

what would YOU do about it?

please give me YOUR opinion




  1. Global Warming is definitely true. Do you know why it becomes hotter and hotter every year? It's because of Global Warming because the Sun is trapped in the Earth's Atmosphere.....Well I can't explain to you everything because I forgot already.But don't believe in others that Global Warming is not True.Well If you want to save the Earth from Global Warming You can Plant more Trees because trees help to stop Global Warming. That's all!

  2. It is real in that it happens naturally ( normal cycle ).  It is not human made.  To the earth we are nothing....and we are not significant enough to destroy it.  There are natural heating and cooling cycles that happened before we were here and will continue after we are gone.

    Politicians ( Al Gore ) have found a way to grab power and make a lot of money with this fear mongering.

    As to what I would do....I believe in being a good steward of the planet.....I would try to conserve, try to keep the US economy strong...use resources wisely, but not allow the greedy politicians to make a power grab with this fear mongering.  They want to artifically make the cost of gasoline high ( taxes, regulations ).  People talk about how much the oil companies make on gasoline.  Did you know that the Government makes more on gasoline sales through taxes???  They want to make the new mercury filled bulbs law ( when they send hazmat to a school if a mercury thermometer is broken ), just so companies can make money on the change over.

    Peace to you.

  3. look its all fake somehow they will make money out of it i wouldnt listen 2 a word da goverment sayz

  4. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  5. I think it is going to happen but not at the rate scientists are making it out to be because it has happened before and is going to happen again but it may increase the rate of it by the c02 gasses

  6. i think global warming is really happening and it just sucks how no body will do anything about it.

    if it was me i'd do so much help to saving our world.

  7. There is a lot of truth to it and our societies do not want to deal with it. Our planet is a living breathing world filled with life and life giving qualities which are all connected.

    The water, and air, the cycles of the water as they circulate and carry heat is like a thermostat and now it is changing drastically.

    Add too much regular water to the salt water and the salinity changes. So does the molecular structure deep down where ther current flows...Change this and the currents slow and can actually reverse....

    All our governments care about is the circulation of money to create an illusion of control...but they are out of control and not listening to scientific geniuses..

    I feel bad for our kids and their kids...for we still have a chance with the current solar and wind technology coupled with better building materials...

  8. Opinion:"Global Warming"(and cooling) is a naturally varying occurance, WE(mankind) cannot DO anything about it. WE can't "cause it", WE can't "stop" it.

    The Earth has a HOT, molten core,(that is just a "fact").

    After the last "Ice Age", human history started. Biblical times came about. The "Garden of Eden" was at a 3-way joining of rivers. In "todays" times, those rivers don't "join". In Biblical times, they did. What is the "difference? NOW the Red Sea exists! In Biblical times, the worlds Oceans & Seas were 700 feet lower than they are NOW. 700 feet less water would show the 3 rivers merging. The Garden of Eden is under the Red Sea.

    As Ice formations have melted, the seas have gotten higher. A "natural" occurance. WE didn't start it, WE can't stop it.

    Check out , or something like that.

  9. yeah i think

  10. Hey there..

    Well, yes I do believe it's real...

    It is a worldwide problem (the cue is in it's name), and wherever we are, whatever we do , our lifestyle is in some way connected to it.

    So, even if we don't do anything huge , we can do our little bit to reduce ouir own carbon footprint : turn of taps is a simple example...

    It may not seem like it now, but climate chang is a serious problem and it threathens to derail our world's growth prospects.

    Keeping in mind that a healthy environment is a prequisite for development , countries should take positive actions...

    That's my opinion !

    Take care,

    cheers !

  11. I believe it`s a natural occurance,Only we have excelerated it somewhat.All these people saying it must be true i read it in the papers,Come on wake up you believ e everything you read in the papers????

    The Maya civlisation were very accurate in there very many and precise calculations.They predicted the end on the 5 ages in 2012 on 12 december.The cause of this would be the reverse of the Earths Magnetic Field. Yeah !they knew all about this s*** back then.Just what have these scientist been upto yeah they have been messing about with the earths magnetic forces hence the extreme weather conditions.Lets stop playing around with this Earth because if it crashes there aint no reboot system.  :- (

  12. It has been cooling since 1998, so no it is a scam to seperate people from their money for a political agenda.

  13. The earth has gone through extreme climate changes for billions of years and life still exists. we'll be just fine.

  14. I don't get how there are people out there that don't believe in global warming. don't tell me that our government bought out all the scientists and told them to make something up to get them money, that's seriously stupid. so yes global warming is real, but that doesn't mean anything bad is going to happen in our, or even our grand kids lifetime.

  15. Yes I think there are some partial truth to global warming but I don't think man can do anything about it. It's nature's doing.

  16. the ozon shield around our

    earth (planet)  is protecting our planet out of

    heavy sunrise but its getting damaged at the

    moment cuz of people cuz they make heavy

    factories which throws out smoke with gas

    in em which could damage the ozon shield ...

    and the second worst thing is the smoke

    thats coming out of our vehicales around the world

    so the ozon shield is getting damaged

    and the sun shine is affecting the planet

    more than the normal level making

    the ice burgs melt and turned to water

    then the sea water level

    rises becuz of it ...

    the only way to stop it is by redusing the amount of

    vehicales people are using which is not gonna happen

    and by using environmental friendly vehicales

    which runs on solar power and battery or

    water which will take another 10 years time maybe ...

    and those factories needs to stop or they

    need to find a alternative way to

    put out those chemical smokes without infecting

    the nature ... which aint gonna happen either ...

    so this will stop after each and every human

    in the earth dies (excluding the insects

    creatures and animals lol ...)

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