
Global warming, what is causing it?

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If in the history of the world there have been several ice ages most occurring before man walked the earth, what caused the earth to cool down and heat back up if man wasn't a factor and is it possible that that might be whats warming the earth?




  1. Could it be that big light in the sky causes the warming? What happens when it goes away at night? I am sure it gets colder even with all the co2 floating around. If co2 was driving the warming alone night shouldnt make much difference as all the suns evergy would trapped bouncing around in the troposphere trying to escape!

    Then theres changes to the solar systems mass which changes the length of the day leading to increased temperatures, again the sun is involved here!

    I am being a little sarcastic, but without man made co2 it got hotter and colder all by itself and co2 has never been shown to cause warming in the past, so I would say that something else is driving the climate and increased co2 is a result of warming of the sea.

    And Elymer, I suggest you keep breathing co2 lest you suffocate, its part of the air we and plants need to live.

    I agree though we need to reduce pollutants and consumption, but co2 is a natural gass essential to life

  2. Different energetic components visit our system on periodic timelines and just as there is an 11 year sun spot cycle,there are many others that effect our system.

    Ice ages form when a large energetic event visits our system and creates huge storms and more water to be formed than normal and then the energetic component(Cometary Showers) recedes from our system and draws some of the grids energy to it that creates a great cooling with all of the newly formed moisture,and viola instant ice age.

    The Ice mostly re-melts in as little as 20 years.

  3. 'Global Warming' is one half of a natural cycle between colder periods.

    The driving force for warming is the sun, earth's proximity during solar activity etc.

    Just consider yourself to be lucky to be living in a mild time of earth's history.

  4. Apparently green house gases.

  5. The main reason for global warming is the polluted air. Harmful smoke which comes out from chemical plant, vehicles, factories etc which enter the atmosphere is the main reason for the global warming.  

  6. What do we have to lose by assuming our greenhouse gas emissions are playing a role and reduce them? I personally don't like breathing carbon dioxide...methane...nitrous oxide...ozone. Even if the warming trend is entirely natural and has nothing to do with human activity, do you actually like the pollution?

  7. Communists are using the "global warming" to move their regulatory agenda forward.

    Is it a coincidence that pluto, mars, and jupiter have also increased their surface temperature as much as the earth has over the last several years? maybe because of sun-spots?, no its because we're all not driving prius's and cranking our AC units...

    What a load...

  8. there are many factors which are increasing global warming. the luxuries of people have accelerated the pace of manufacturing of products for people around the globe. the natural resources are brutally used and waste is not being managed. air pollution is causing ice reservoirs to melt, water pollution to kill river/sea life. the attitude of people excess eating, excess shopping of products for home and lavish use of natural resource have placed the mankind on brink of collapse.

    the growth of industry is inevitable, but people will have to change their lifestyles. only mankind is contributing to global warming. birds, animals, sea creatures are helpless.

  9. Can I PLEASE slap the h**l out of anyone claiming green house gases as the cause...........really.....

    The greenhouse effect can only be shown in a literal green house...or in a controlled condition laboratory.

    We as a nation and in the world haven't changed anything in regards to our co2 emissions, yet temperatures started plateauing in 1998 and went down 1/2 a degree world wide due to less sun spot activity.

    YES, that's right....hate to break it to you...the sun is responsible for warmign the earth.

    If co2 or any greenhouse gas was responsible, then temperatures would have been going up still.

    Even more proof is that from WW2 to the 70's , it was the heaviest industrialization of our nation, and during that time when we were splewing out tons of waste, pollution, co2, etc into the air and water.....temperatures of record  were actually going down.....NOT up. The media back then were even warning that we were heading towards a mini Ice-age.

    So enough of the propaganda, the lies, and most of all the dolts out there that just can't let go of the bad information put out by the History channel and CNN. You can't take pieces of information as it fits your ideology, you have to consider all the facts and look at all the data.

  10. I think it's cyclical.  I am sure there factors where humans contribute, but face it -- the Earth will shake humans off of it like fleas on a dog's back.  

  11. I don't know what but I Think it is my Uncle Arthur.

      Wow whatever is in his compost bin must be responsible.

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