Do you worry about global warming's affect on our already high food prices? I know some say global warming isn't happening, but the last two summers have been our hottest on record. It gets hot earlier and our crops are literally brown, dried out all the time. I live in the midwest, and worry about what I see. Global warming is also causing more strange weather, more severe fronts, like the freeze that ruined fruit crops in Florida. There have been quadruple the amount of natural disasters this decade than in decades past. This plus the fact that much of our corn oil is going to ethanol which has shown that it adds more CO2 to the atmosphere contributing to global warming. I guess I shouldn't worry about the U.S. so much as more and more of our food is being grown in factory farms elsewheres since land taxes make it so $$ to farm in the States, and people demand things so cheap. I'm just worried about it. We've hardly gotten any snow this winter, AGAIN. It gets milder and milder