
Global warming! Do you believe in it? Do oyu think we're going to die in 2012?

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Global warming!




  1. Yes, but so do most of the world's climate scientists so people who say no must somehow know more than them? wow. The 2012 thing is just a myth, we could die any day soon or in a few more thousand years.. there's no way to predict it.

  2. 2012 is just stupid, and yes global warming is real. The thing people argue about is what's causing it: humans or a natural cycle. if it's humans, then we can fix it. if it's a natural cycle, then we're all doomed and the human race will die out. oh and just because there's record snowfall in places doesn't mean the earth is getting colder. climates are changing.

  3. No but I believe we need to go green and help stop global warming as much as possible for our grandchildren's sake

  4. No and No.

    Take a look at the headlines around the world... Record snowfall in TONS of cities in the USA... Middle Eastern Countries having snowfall for the first time in history.  I don't believe it's getting hotter.  I believe just the opposite.

  5. this 2012 thing is just a silly myth of the Mayan Calandar.  It means nothing. so don't worry about that.

    The global warming stuff is also a myth.  The elite people who want to control everyone is telling us that we are killing the earth and if we don't agree to pay a very high tax, they will kill us.

    Global warming and 2012 is not what you should fear.  You should fear the government and the liars, and the taxes that you will pay.  The middle class will be gone very soon if you all buy into this global warming c**p.

  6. google it, it has to do with sun spot cycles..not CO2 emissions (graphs will even show..CO2 increases with heat..not the other way around)...secondly, this is a cycle that has been going on for all of Earth's existance, the world cools and heats (newspapers will prove that)...and also, right now...its not global warming thats happening...the earth is currently cooling..(look it up)

  7. Yelp it is getting warmer just watch the discovery channel on cable

    Are we going to die in 2012 only if China gets real mad cause it cannot get all the oil it wants from OPEC

    You know they are suppose to max out their own supply in 2010 and hit up OPEC for more and MORE

    And OPEC will not be able to comply and China will get a little mad and put a trade embargo on all of OPEC countries.

    And when OPEC oil machinery starts breaking down and can not get the made in China parts to fix  it all comes to a stop

    All shipments  to another country and all  world supplies are brought to a halt to supply China Just to be mean about it is why they OPEC does it. and all _ _ _ _ breaks out WAR..  The kind mankind  has never seen before.

  8. no and yes 2 pts

  9. I see "Global Warming" as being a good theory. I don't really believe thats whats happening. I just believe that its the natural order of things. The same way that your immediate family looks like you or resembles you. And then once you start looking around towards your cousins and your inlaws everybody starts looking different. Than you bring in another race and start making babies than the family starts changing colors. Its the natural process of your situation. Evolution. Things evolve according to the situation. Of course theres going to be some bad changes if you pollute the air. Different weather patterns to fit the situation. blah blah blah.

    I think life will keep going as usual. Of course there will be life after 2012.

  10. nope scientist already proved its not true and is suing AL Gore

  11. Um, no I don't believe in it at all. God knows when we're going to die, and if there was global warming, than why are we having the coldest winter on record in Ohio? Hmm.. What a lie.. Stupid Al Gore..

  12. Yes, the warming is well documented.  I'm not aware of any contrary evidence, are you?  If it wasn't happening, or even if it were debatable, someone would have a contrary set of numbers and graphs.

    No, I don't beleive we're going to die by 2012, but we're likely to see more evidence of the symptoms by then.

    One scientist forecasted last year that the Arctic could be nearly ice free by 2012.  That's dramatically sooner than past estimates.

    Recently it was suggested that due to reduced snowpack in the Rockies Lake Mead behind Hoover Dam could be unusable for water or power by 2014 (10% probability) to 2021 (50/50 chance).

    One scenario examined by the Pentagon examines the possibility of food riots, anarchy, and possibly nuclear war by 2020.

    So there are some posibilities that we may start to ahve some problems by the 2014 to 2021 time period, but none of them are the most likely scenario for that time period, adn none of them are forecast to hit by 2012.

    Of course if the Arctic is nearly ice free by 2012, that could accelerate warming and we'll have a whole new round of predictions at that time.

    The year that something might happen isn't the point.  We simply know that we're likely to experience negative effects if we don't reduce carbon emissions.  We're likely to have issues with transportation and our economies anyway to tu "peak oil" and we already have air pollution issue from coal power plants (we have an increasing amount of smog arriving from China), so global warming is simply another reason to conserve gas and electricity and to make the investment to develop new tehnologies..

  13. Some of us will definitely die before 2012. The thing about dying is, if you take 'average mortality stats' into consideration and say we average 78 years of life in the USA, that means 1/2 of us will die before 78 and the other half will die after the age of 78. So it shouldn't be so surprising when you or one of your friends or family passes away early. Like 56, or 22 or 14 or 8. Global warming won't do diddly.

  14. I don't know about kicking the bucket by 2012, but I do believe the climate is changing and  I can see visible proof in my own garden. I have deciduous plants that don't know if they're Arthur or Martha these days.

    No doubt lying governments and capitalist industries will continue to turn a blind eye from the matter and hope they can continue to treat people like idiots on the matter.

    Rhetoric is a powerful weapon in the modern era.

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