
Global warming!! Freezing My AS- OFF IN INDIANA?

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This week the normal temp should be @43 Not yet this week. Storm coming in today with some snow!




  1. Global warming is all about global climate change, the earth isn't turning into the sun or anything. But places that used to be cold are getting warmer, and places that used to be warm are getting cooler. Looks like the climate in Indiana is changing, this global warming thing may actually be true. I think they should officially change the name to "global climate change" so it doesn't confuse the masses.

  2. Don't believe in the environmentalist's "Global Warming" propaganda, even for a minute.

    The left-wing enviromentalist agenda is not based on science but on ideology – an ideology that opposes human technology and progress.

    An ideology that is anti-growth, anti-capitalist, and anti-American.

  3. And getting deeper in snow!  In the 70's it was "global cooling"!  They can't predict the weather accurately and pat themselves on the back if they get it right 30% of the time!  What makes anyone think they can predict the global climate years from now?!!!  Things happen, things change, things we have no control over.  I'd rather deal with the pollution in the orange stream accross from my home!

  4. Weather factors can overcome global warming for a short time.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

    jibbarjabar - These guys are left wing anti-capitalists?

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

  5. you guys do realize that its not going to shoot up 50 degrees, right?  its a slow process, it takes some time.  Every state has had snow in the past.


  7. Global warming environmentalist groups are loosing there power of fear over the people. they will now say anything they can dream up to scare people in other ways

  8. They're even predicting snow for Georgia this weekend.

    It's March, for crying out loud!  I should be driving the motorcycle and riding the Jeep with the top down by now!

  9. The "global warming" scare is nothing more than politically motivated and scientifically flawed propoganda. One can easily search the web and find the countless number of scientists who have disproven the claims of those in the global warming community.  We are in a natural "cycle" and thats all.  Look into the "non-profit" websites who tend to be objective and not supported by the money pushers who are pushing their agendas.  Don't forget, theses global warming alarmists are the same ones who were trying to scare us about an ice age 30-40 years ago.

  10. Well I think you should find Ann Coulter, roll her up very, very tightly, insert her carefully up your r****m, and light her with your Bic.

  11. So now daily weather is climate?  ROFLMAO!

    Clue: it would have been one degree colder without that one degree of warming so far.  

    Global warming does nothing to abolish weather, or winter.  

    It does seriously mess with our water supplies and crops.

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