
Global warming/Geography question?

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Im doing a project for school and it asks what are three important geographic ideas relevant to global warming...What does this mean?

If it helps im doing a project about how a wind turbine/ solar pannels can help mitigate the effects of global warming




  1. i think it meant somethin like glaciers because glaciers are melting cuz of all of the carbon dioxide levels these past years have produced and thats the geography part cuz if glaciers melt, then they cant reflect as much sunlight off the earth and back into space so thats why the earth keeps getting hotter and hotter

    hopes this helps!

    learned it from an al gore vid btw

  2. What gets me on so many of the comments made so far is the huge amount of very bad information so many people seem to have on this subject. First it was hotter in the 1930s than it is now and there is no current sign it is going to get even close to previous optimums during the current interglacial. Because solar cycles can vary from 11 years to 50 years we can have huge normal climate shifts when several solar and earth cycles come together inconveniently. Point being the little ice age where there were 4 solar minimums, two of them extreme over a period of 500 years that led to a much colder than average climate through that period.

    Then we have the Skandic/MWP warm cycle where for over 600 years it was a much warmer climate average noticeably higher than the two short peaks we have experienced during the current warming cycle. These two peaks lasted only about 10 years instead of the normal 50 or more! So all climates need to be evaluated not just against recent 30-year spans, but also against previous spans. For instance for the last two years here in Los Angeles they have had to go back to the 1920s to find equivalent low temperature records. In the 90s they had to go back to the 30s to find equivalent highs.

    So the 30 year cycle is not a good comparison point for climate average and because of earthquakes and other geological events natural climate conditions can change radically. An example is the enhanced southwest monsoon in the spring and summer months has radically changed the general climate of southern California over the last 60 years from dry near desert to muggy sub tropical because of geologic changes in a ocean ridge extending from Baja California almost to Panama off the west coast. This ridge as it grows from earthquake activity and coral reef growth is altering some minor ocean currents altering the climate of large parts of North America!

    The enhanced southwest monsoon in the spring and summer months has radically changed the general climate of southern California over the last 60 years from dry near desert to muggy sub tropical inland of the coastal mountains because of geologic changes in a ocean ridge extending from Baja California almost to Panama off the west coast. This ridge as it grows from earthquake activity and coral reef growth is altering some minor ocean currents altering the climate of large parts of North America! At the same time the coastal region only gets the northern storms if the jet stream dips down in the winter months. We no longer get the pineapple express as we used to 20 years ago because of these minor current alterations. So the inland southwest is going semi tropical and the coast only gets the humidity during the summer months while the rain goes to the desert.

    Last Glacial Maximum

    Holocene Climate Optimum

  3. watch Al Gore's movie "An untold truth" (or something like that).  it'll break down everything about global warming.

    Basically, the pollution from manufacturing plants and car fuel, etc. is releasing  carbon monoxide (?) into the environment, raising the temperature.  this is causing glaciers to melt, therefore increasing the water level.  Some of the issues with this are:  Land close to the water are soon going to be underwater...they predict that entire towns will be "washed away".  Also, it's harming animals in colder climates (by melting their form of transportation to get to areas with food) such as polar bears and penguins. these creatures rest and travel on ice 'floats" across the sea to get food. these ice floats are melting away and in some places are nonexistent. There are more examples inthe movie. it's worth checking out.

  4. Plastic Fruit.

  5. Teach your teacher that globar warming is a natural occurence.

    The only problem with it is that we are somewhat speeding it up in a worsened level. But there is no way we can stop the globar warming completely.

  6. Not 100% sure on this one but I believe it has to do with the following 1( Water,2) Land 3) air  all 3 are of utmost importance to the existence of all life as we know it. As to the 2nd part of your question. Anything that assists in the cutting of Green house gases will assist in the recovery of our homes as in mother earth. Wind turbines may look to be an eye sore on the land scape but then again no more than a parch landscape devoid of all life.  

  7. Three important geographic ideas relevant to global warming.

    1. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane (think they are the three main contributors)

    2. The absorption of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The main contributors here to maintain a balance are all plants, and the presence of limestone (remember studying at university that in the past there was a correlation with the amounts of greenhouse in the atmosphere and quantity of limestone on Earth ... can't remember it all).

    3. The excretion of  greenhouse gases. Many anthropogenic factors exist here, mainly the burning of carbon based fossil fuels. Also however contributing to methane has been the extent of rice paddies, number of life stock and the presence of animals (as all are contribute to the release of methane into the atmosphere).

    Oh well those are the three main areas that are influencing global warming at the moment (should refer to it as climate change, as an increase in temperature may not be uniform across the world and the temperature will not be the only factor altered)

  8. read ALGORE book and if u dnt have enough time just watch the movie and take notes..

    OK..define first what global warming is..

    check this website. type anything u r looking for...they have updated info.

    wind turbine/ solar pannels r global warming solutions

    here a good pdf file with facts and graphs:

    here is another one about wind turbine:

    it has also informations about what global warming is:

    ok...for more information just type in yahoo search globalwarming+definition:;_ylt=A0ge...

    globalwarming+solar pannels:;_ylt=A0ge...

    globalwarming+wind turbine:;_ylt=A0ge...

    sorry for my bad english...hope this helps

    dnt forget ... try to write more facts and use the information to make graphs and use them .. hmmm what else...make ur project with the definition..solution and mention ur two solution in 2 different paragraphs with pics and explain how they look like what they r made of and how they work...also try to find info when r they first used or invented... good point :) ...

  9. Global Warming is basically a hoax.

    The perceived threats of Global Warming are grossly overstated and personally, I ignore the doomsayers who believe life as we know it is over.

    Having said that, I think using alternative  energy sources are a good idea. Carbon does pollute the atmosphere, just look at Beijing on those bad days ( which is probably EVERY day now that the Olympics are over)

    Solar and Wind energy is non-polluting. The trick is to make it affordable

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