
Global warming!!!!!! Please read!!!!?

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I have to give a debate about global warming. I was given pro global warming, which means that i have to win my debate about global warming being real. Do you know any sites or many any research or facts you can tell me that prove global warming exists. If you do please tell me!!!




  1. Sun spots. Whatever your opponent says, say Sun Spots.

  2. www. globalwarning. com.. www. algoreglobalwarning. com

  3. if global warming is not real then something else is sure going on .are we too blind to see it or just afraid to accept it because if we accept it we know all h**l is about to break loose.

  4. At the end of the inconvient truth, there is a website go to it

  5. What about a tape of Al Gore "Inconvenient Truth"

    Also  see these links:

    Global warming

    Scientific  view:

  6. Well to start, you need to give misinformation.

    Watch An Inconvenient truth, its full of it.

    Start off by saying CO2 causes temperature to go up (global warming) and it always lead it in the past.

    That is it to "prove" global warming is real but it is misinformation.

    Now you need to give nonsense.

    You have to say that polar bears are dying because of global warming.

    The ice is melting.

    And all that yadayada...

    I'd like to point out that this is only proof that global warming is happening but its not proof its caused by man kind.

  7. You're toast.  If you had picked that side 3 or 4 years ago you could have won easily.  Know its going to be a lot harder.  First you need to be aware of the facts.  (The earth is cooling and same scientist that developed the models predicting global warming are saying that natural climate variations are causing the climate to cool).

    Your only chance is to ignore actual climate data, and just point to all the aggreements and the numbers of people that believe in global warming as evidence that it exist.  

    Divert attention away from climate facts and only talk about what all is being done to prevent global warming as proof that it exist and is a threat.  

    Al Gore's website should help.  Also look at socialist, vegetarian, and Peta websites.  All of those should provide you with the ammo you need.

  8. !!!Don't use An Inconvenient Truth!!!!

    Find websites that are about global warming that are either univeristy or government created. They are the forerunners in research and with more accurate information.

  9. Google it, best search engine.

  10. Your aguement should includ how many new taxes the Democrates are going to enact to solve it

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