
Global warming Tax? Whats next?

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  1. Oh no, the costs are much more...  Gore in his freakin 'lifestyles of the rich and famous' security, wants to break down the societies of developing nations and render them to poverty, hunger, disease and other problems.

  2. I just hope our tax money really goes to something useful but it will probably just go towards our national debt

  3. Considering that the people get to vote on whether or not the tax is enacted, I'm guessing that what's next is whatever the citizens of Los Angeles County want to be next.

  4. You can't predict the future.

  5. I agree though that a gas tax is the wrong way to go.  

    A transportation tax is regressive, affecting the cost of everything to everyone, with no compensating (financial, economic) benefit.  The higher costs hurt the economy, which hurts tax revenues, throwing citizens and governments into a downward spiral and damaging our ability to effectively deal with the problem.

    Taxes also get redirected by politicians over time, causing goal-justified taxes to miss achieving their original goals.  California already has much higher gas taxes.  Are our roads that much better than other states?  I've driven in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona in the past year, and for all the extra money we spend, California's roads are not superior, and in fact are far underdeveloped for the population and traffic we have (which results in more gas burned and more gas taxes... exactly where does all that money go?).

    Taxing one type of emission (transportation) to fund another (energy production) is even more misguided, as that will cause special interests to seek their own advantages until the system gets so complicated that nothing is accomplished yet we're all paying more.

    For example, the California Lottery was pitched to voters as a way to fund community colleges. Once it passed, all their prior funding was then stripped away, so there was no not gain, the new money simply became one more part of the giant state slush fund.

    Instead, why not penalize gas guzzlers and reward gas misers?  You'd get far more effectiveness, much faster, and most importantly you can have all payments net out to zero, for a result of no net cost to the economy.  

    Which side of the equation a person falls on would be entirely voluntary, based on their own choices.  Funds could be automatically calculated, collected and rebated to all vehicle owners during the annual vehicle registration process.

    Incentives rewarding people for better choices are the way to go, not taxes.  Tell your politicians to get a clue and to develop incentives instead.

  6. Carbon taxes are similar.  Usually the ambulance chasing left uses children to promote their socialism.  This is just another arrow in their guilt quiver to exploit on a gullible, apparently guilt ridden, apparently appathetically ignorant populace.  I live in the Peoples Republic of southern california.  A 9 cent raise is a drop in the bucket with these money grubbing  leftist vampires.  Their thirst for other peoples money will never be quenched.  Where's my cross.

  7. Can anyone see this is nothing more than a political issue??? The history of climate, and i DON"T mean the last 2000 years, is recorded in the geology of the earth. The planet has gone through many changes as we evolved as humans and long before that. We have been here a blink of time in earths history. The Great Global Warming Hoax is nothing more than that......for disagreements, more doubters should start googling "geology and history of the planet and get the phrase carbon footprints out of mind and into the trash bucket.

  8. Next...?

    Next is probably that people will get education which will allow them to understand what an addition is.

    That way they will understand that a tax collected is a source of income for the state like other and that in turn, assuming a same balance in the budget, other taxes will be lowered.

    Question more at your level: do you prefear a tax per worked hour (which has the side effect to hinder employment) or an environmental tax (which has the side effect to discourage polluting activities and behavior).

    I even wonder why they tax alcohol and cigarettes... aren´t they trying to avoid people poisoning their body?

  9. I propose a tax on going on vacation - just imagine heaven on earth thanks to that.

  10. Surprise, surprise...liberals want to solve a problem by raising taxes. What a shocker!

    The global warming hysteria is completely out of control. The only solutions being suggested all involve stifling capitalist economies. The global warming hoax is not supported by science and is nothing more than a convenient excuse used by socialists to impose socialism.

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