
Global warming an industry of its own?

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Look at all these new "ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS" "REDUCED CARBON EMISSIONS" why is there some salesman trying to sell me this junk? terrible looking sedan that costs twice as much then a normal economy class car. Why settle for cheap and efficiant stuff? Buy this flashy/terrible looking/expensive/inefficiant product. It seems all they have to do is say the product is green and attach a name to it and they can sell it. So is global warming an industry of its own?




  1. kind of! they do make a lot of things to help prevent it that are a lot more expensive!

  2. The term "green" being used as a selling point reminds me of the "ozone" scare years back. We were all going to die because hair spray was ripping apart the ozone layer. We're still here....

  3. You nailed it! Most of it is just expensive junk and for what? ten to fifteen better per gallon if that. I spend about $300 a month driving a 60 mile round trip to work in a dodge caravan. Still better then paying a $600 payment for a cheap hybrid with no scoot power!

  4. If it's not acid rain, it's the ozone.  If it's not the ozone, it must be global warming.

    I do believe that it's an industry.  I mean really!  If it were as serious as it was being made out to be then why is Al Gore selling "carbon credits"  Seriously?  I care so much about the environment and changing the status of our planet that you can pay me to not change.  With that money, I will fund my movies and rack up the awards for them.  All the time building my own popularity.  Why does no one see this?

    I've got some carbon credits that I'll sell you too.  And I guarantee that I will sell them to you for half of what Al Gore is selling them for.

    Global Warming is a scam.

  5. you sound like a person who needs to own a Hummer

  6. and don't forget the "pollution control" industry.

    These price-gouging worms sprout up to manufacture the latest shoddy technology to help "polluters" conform to the latest Federal, State, and local environMENTAL laws.

    These companies make 300% profit margins and absolutely RAPE their customers, while lobbying for more and more strict and onerous regulations to help line their pockets.

    When their patents run out, or when there is "too much" competition, bammo, new laws suddenly appear.

  7. That's nothing compared to emissions trading.  That will increase the cost of energy and all products.

  8. I hope so! We need to get off our butts and do something. If someone can make a business out of it,so much the better!

  9. It's not a new industry.  "Green" is just a relatively new, and currently very big, selling point.  It's similar to Americans preferring products made in the USA, which may or may not be better or more expensive than imported products.

  10. Yes it is a scam to make money and a lot of people are falling for it...

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