
Global warming and evolution?

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Just out of curiosity, do you believe in

1.) creationism?

2.) Intelligent design?

3.) Anthropogenic global warming?




  1. 1.No

    2. I think God had some indirect influence

    3. No but I used to believe in it til I did my own research

  2. NO, NO, and more NO.

  3. 1) No.

    2) No.

    3) Yes.

  4. they all stem from the same source

    please use the label of your choice

    we are cheeky enough to think we have a hand in the great scheme of things,

    why not?

    maybe we do........................

  5. NO.

    YES, but not the way most people think of it.  (I don't think intelligent design means a single "being" or entity is planning things, but I do believe that intelligent design is the result of billions and billions of years of perfected evolution on a sub-atomic scale that naturally re-appears over and over again in all things, from the way that atoms work to the way that galaxies work, and everything in between.

    3. ABSOLUTELY NOT.  To believe this is to go complete against the scientific beauty of nature, which includes the beauty of its violence and chaos.  And it is mankind's attempt to glorify himself as some kind of destined creature with god-like powers to control and manipulate nature.  You cannot believe that man is responsible for global warming without embracing creationism fully, because it depends on the same presumptive importance of man.

    Man can certainly pollute his own micro-environment.  Take a look at any city from a distance and you can easily observe the bubble of filth that it contains.  But nature has much more poisonous pollution sources throughout it, both on land and undersea, and it manages them all quite well, relying on the same bacteria and other natural processes that have worked for billions of years before man even existed.

  6. The debate over evolution verses creationism verses intelligent design is not a really smart debate by any of the three sides.

    The problem lies in an idea of God, which almost everyone holds, whether they are believers or atheists.  They all hold an idea of what God could or couldn't be that is as small as man's mind is small in it's conceptions.

    Intelligent design is getting warm, but it also suffers from this very limited idea of God.

    Creationism has the same problem, only maybe more so. The creation story in the bible is a metaphor for the creative process, just like every other creation story from the multitude of cultures and religions throughout the world and throughout history.  

    Here's the creation myth analogy as given by Lao Tzu, a Taoist sage, about 2500 years ago.

    The way that can be spoken of

    Is not the constant way;

    The name that can be named

    Is not the constant name.

    The nameless was the beginning of Heaven and Earth

    The named was the mother of the myriad creatures.

    Hence always rid yourselves of desires

    In order to observe its secrets;

    But always allow yourself to have desires

    In order to observe its manifestations.

    These two are the same

    But diverge in name as they issue forth.

    Being the same they are called mysteries,

    Mystery upon mystery -

    The gateway of the manifold secrets.

    No dogma, just a metaphorical representation of the ancient wisdom, that is the cornerstone of all true religions and schools of spirituality.

    It may not have any meaning for most people, but that paragraph probably has more wisdom than any comparable length writing in history.

    It expresses the idea that God or the Way or Tao, is the infinite creator of the finite things that make up the infinite universe.  That, which is beyond names, creates the multitude of named things that constitute creation.

    The same can be said about  those who think we live in a mechanistic universe that is very simply described by scientific models.  Evolution is obviously going on.  That says nothing of the bigger questions about the universe.

    God is infinite and beyond any scientific or theological concept that man can imagine.

    An infinite God, with infinite intelligence can certainly create the big bang, the universe, life, evolution and every  possible other thing or process.

    Some related reading for the adventurous.

    "The Tao of Physics"     by  F. Capra

    "The Spiritual Universe"  Fred Alan Wolf PhD in theoretical physics

    "God and the Big Bang" draws parallels between the ideas of quantum physics and Jewish mysticism ala the Tree of Life

    "Metaphysic: The Science of Life"  Anthony Fisichella

    This ancient wisdom of which I speak was known to St. Augustine and every other sage in the history of the world.  

    "The one true religion has always existed and became know as Christianity with the advent of Christ."   St Augustine

    And as Fisichella says, it also became Hinduism with the advent of Krishna, Judaism with the advent of Abraham and later reformed by Moses and Solomon, Buddhism with the advent of Buddha.  It will also be found in the ancient mysteries of Egypt, in the Hermetic philosophy of the western metaphysical tradition, and I even find it in Carlos Casteneda's books.

    And now quantum physics seems to be saying something very similar.  Quantum physics definitely does not describe the simple mechanistic universe that most scientists and our current world view concieve of.

    It is far stranger than we can imagine.

    We create our own reality.  Reality is a perception.  A world view is just an agreed on preception, a consensus view.

    Don't believe it?  Ok;  but it has been known to every sage and enlightened person in the history of the world.  Not believed, known.   It is testable and experiencable and never fails to prove itself to those whose eyes are open.

    As Jesus said,  "the kingdom of God is laid out upon the earth and men don't see it.'  

    And he also said, Ye are Gods.  and Haven't I told you that ye are Gods?

    He knew.  Man creates his own reality.

    We normally only think of knowledge as a function of reason or logic, but that is only one type of knowing.  

    True knowledge requires unlearning all your preconceived ideas.  That was what Socrates was after when he always questioned his students theories and conceptions. That is the Socratic method.  

    Lao Tzu  said;  

    "In the pursuit of learning, one knows more and more each day. But in the pursuit of the Tao, one knows less and less every day, until one knows nothing at all.  And when one knows nothing at all, nothing is left unknown"

    Yes, I believe that the AGW theory is supported by the evidence.  I don't confuse the irrational absolute truths of the spiritual, with the relative and rational truths of science.

  7. no



    nice question.

    interesting consistency, it would seem.

  8. 1.)  Maybe.  It depends on what you mean.

    2.)  Yes, but again that requires clarification.

    3.)  I believe in antropogenic effects, but we aren't certain of what they are, or if they(those effects) are detrimental.

  9. no


    too slight to measure

  10. Huh...? I see this all the time on this forum. None of those things listed, has anything to do with evolution. Creationism, and intelligent design are basically the same thing. If you want to elaborate on myth, then AGW would be @ the top of the list. Belonging in the same category as spontaneous creation. Maybe I took your question wrong, but the Header is askew?

  11. yes



  12. no



  13. No



  14. 1. No

    2. No

    3. Yes

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