
Global warming and solutions?

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i have to make a presentation for solar energy as a solution of Global warming. can you help me please?




  1. Do your own homework.

  2. 1st u gotta ask urself one question... can i do this ... if u say no, then flush ur head down the toilet and tell everyone it was an accident, if yes, then say why the h**l  i'm i even on this site, i dont need u guys

  3. Well, you can talk about the fact that there a many small towns in southern USA and other places (some in spain too) that actually use wind and solar panels to power themselfs and actually save money on it because it costs once to put it on and uually pays off like three years later (maintence is supercheap).  However, governments don't fund this seriously because it would mean firing power plants emploees, and mining company and can crush an entire economy.

  4. You can read and USE anything on my blog site-- just note the website address ---  on your material.

  5. Do some research on:

    Solar panels, their efficiency and cost, how long before they save money;

    Different collection methods from standard, static solar panels to ones that move to always face the sun to different technologies such as the solar powered steam turbines in Spain or "solar showers" (water in black tubes or bags left to warm in the sun);

    Total solar radiation that reaches the ground even on cloudy days at different latitudes and compare to human needs;

    Calculate carbon offsets for each MW of energy from solar, coal and gas/oil;

    Tie in with hydrogen powered cars as the last part of "green" transport.

    (but no, I'm not actually going to do your work for you - that defeats the point of going to school, getting an education or being paid to make presentations...)

  6. You have been given an impossible assignment because the sun is the cause of global warming, not the solution to it.

    Therefore to stop global warming (or start global cooling which is the same) you need to block out the sun, at least a little. Exploding volcanoes do this very well. Blow up remote volcanoes about one a year for 4-5 years. You will notice a change.

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