I don’t believe in Global warming or the next ice age. (Well, I completely don’t believe in the ice age but I do think mybe the earth might be getting warmer, but this is normal and I don’t think it’s the end of the world.) And I have loads of reasons why...but I won’t get into that right now. Although I accept I could be wrong. I don’t think every-one who believes in Global warming or the ice age is an idiot or anything; but if I don’t go along with what the media and greenies say apparently I’m a soulless hypocrite who caused the problem in the first place. Why aren’t I allowed my own opinion? Whenever I talk about it with my friends they get all mad at me and are determined to turn the whole thing against me and say scientists are always right. I told my geography teacher I don’t believe in it, and he tried to tear me down too. Why can’t I freely believe what I want instead of just believing whatever the media says? WHY??