
Global warming and what to do to make a difference?

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please a beg everybody that reads this and please tell your friends this. You might think that u cant do anything to stop global warming,but believe me you can if you listein to these items you could use if you went to protect the USA the society and the World.

You could get energy by saving up money from each paychech to buy energy saving light bubls and in time you will start saving money.

.you can also by a high bred car some get up to 60 Miles Per Gallons and even though some are expensive remember we are one more step of stopping this problem. Or if you cant afford a highbred car try not getting a SUV because they take up a lot of gas and that will be a lot of money in the long run.

You could also put solar pannels facing South.

Water your garden from a bin that collects rain water.

Get all material for your dog called Hemp collars toys and dog beds

Use front loading washing machine because they use less water

you can use recycleing bins

get a roof garden for insolation




  1. Welcome to the future Nate!

  2. I unplug most of my appliances when not in use (tv,playstation,dvd,vcr,cell phone charger,toaster,coffeemaker..etc)

  3. Do you even live in the US? If you do and you are above the age of 12 then you have horrific grammar. You have been brainwashed.

  4. grow SOMETHING for food... every one of us can grow something for food.. I live on 10 acres so ya I can have a bigger garden than city people can have BUT even people in an apartment can grow a few tomatoe plants on their balcony..

    when you GROW YOUR OWN food - not only is it healthier BUT you save the environment by not having to have stuff shipped to your local store... - even buying from farmers markets is better than from grocery .. but the best is growing your own..

    it doesnt take much - lettuce, carrots, peas, beans, potatoes and corn if you have room, plums.. apples.. zuchini (you can always give some away to friends)

    this is the BEST place to start - it also SAVES YOU MONEY..

    not everyone can afford to buy a hybid car or new washing machine but EVERYONE can afford to plant lettuce seeds!!

    - also if you do have space - have about 4 free range hens for egg production - again its healthier and cheaper than buying eggs and chickens are pretty cool as pets if you select a good breed.

    DO NOT send out CHRISTMAS CARDS!!!!

    most things that save the environment also save you $

    - as far as washing machines go.. I also hang my clothes to dry outside in the summer.

  5. What do we do about the next volcano eruption that will spew 100 times the flourocarbons and particles into the atmosphere than the previous 10,000 years of human occupation?

    I say thank God for global warming or else it would still be the Ice Age.

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