
Global warming are we gonna die?

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are we gonna die what will happen when the temperature rises will every die.

how long will it be to it happens is it going to happen.

will this be the DAWN OF INCSTINCTION!




  1. no. chances are you live in a first world country so you will probably be ok. its the poor of the world that will be hit hardest.

  2. Well not really but a lot of things will change and this might affect people's lives that may link to instinction. We dont that to happen so we should act as soon as possible.

  3. hey, don't get all...whatever. if your scared or something of the ice in antartica melting and killing us all...not going to happen. try this experiment. go to your freezer, take out some ice cubes. put them in a cup. then set the cup down somewhere safe and fill it to the top with water. leave and come back when the icecubes have melted. did the cup overflow even though you filled it to the top? NO.


  5. No we will survive but in a very different environment to now.  Humans are very adaptable.

  6. No grasshopper.

  7. I heard that Dr Stephen Hawkings (the wheelchair guy) is telling everyone that the temperatures are going to reach 250 degrees celcius!  That's more than you roast a chiken at!

    How can anyone not believe that global warming is going to kill us all?  I heard that we'll all be dead in the year 2012!  That's just 4 years away!

  8. no worries!!!

    if we save and scrunch now... we might be able to live a day longer!

    if one person saves and scrunches and it can be exchanged for a day of the rest of the world's lufe, imagine how long we can still cont living if EVERYONE saves now!

    at least a hundred years more!!!

    so no scares for this type of nonsense!

  9. Be prepared for a shock:

    WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!

  10. no ,it's effect is not appear in the inhabitant areas but it's in the polar areas ,there the ice melts and every thing destroyed.

  11. I posted  this answer to a similar question.

    Hope tis of help....

    The issue here is not necessarily about Global Warming here, about whether it exists or not. The Earth may cool or heat, global warming is sometimes an unfortunate term that assumes that will happen is heating and this is not necessariy the case. what is the case is that the humnan intereactio with the environment has created instabilites that can go any number of ways, and to be honest, science is very inadequate at predicting or even observing this.

    One thing is clear. Humanity is another species within nature that has gotten itself to the point of virtually having no natural predator other than itself. Granted, there are viruses and bacteria that can wreak havoc, but not on any level that seriously affects overall population. It is natural every so often for a species to rise above nature by having no real natural predators and when that species does it will in time exhaust its own resources and drive itsefl to extinction and do quite a lot of damage in the process.

    The world will survive long after humanity doesnt. The process that we call Global Warming is a natural process of the Earth trying to heal itself from a part of its own system, ie humanity, going out of balance.

    This is the first time in recorded human history where we have 7 billion people on the planet. Also, the planet can support about 1 billion people with those people riding bikes to work.

    Humanity is at a point of needing to wake up and a lot of people are. In the UK, more people are now growing their own food than were in the second world war, when it was vital for survival. And it will be again...quite soon.

    The folk who refuse to accept that the dwindling of resources is real and that the environmental issues are real will have the biggest challenges.

    People who live closest to nature know this. You can feel it. What many people are not saying is that it is inevitalbe that a lot of people will die although there is no need but taken out of a sentimentalist human view, this is natural for any species that has overproliferated. Nature as a whole is not sentimental, life comes and goes, rises and falls and mans existance on this planet is relatively short and insignificant and in another 50,000 years will barely have left much trace.

    And at the end of the day, even if Global Warming and Peak Oil are all a big hoax, to be honest, i like the idea of living in community, growing food and being kinder to all of life around me. It feels good, it feels peaceful. So whatever is the truth of things, in  a way I dont care, because, acting as if it is true and therefore doing what is needed to deal with it feels really good, whereas continueing to consume and want and be addicted to a false world that largely exists within cities, is exhausting, draining and frustrating.

    One thing is for sure is that humanity and the world at large is going through a large evolutionary shift. To losely quote Alberto Villoldo, we live in a time where living in harmony with nature, in abundance and sustainability is the norm and if this is not the world you live in, you are about to be mulched.

    As for the point that the US is the only place talking about it...there may be some point to this and the talking is a bit annoying. The UK has one of the oldest sustainability networks in the world and people are talking about it, but not so much on the TV. They are growing their food and building communities and preparing for the inevitable transition. Cuba is 80 percent organic due to a peak oil experience that happened in 1979. There are entirely sustainalbe cities in South America. Here in Ireland where I live, people are talking about it and more to the point, doing a lot about it. Sure Global Warming is an annoying trendy thing, but the real work of it is down to earth getting on with changing how we live and changing our relationship withall we see around us.

    I live about 12 miles from Kinsale, a small town in Ireland which was the first Transiton Town in the world. It was a model developed by a man called Rob Hopkins who now lives in Devon in the UK. Transitions Town means that Kinsale residents are working with the town council to come off the energy grid by 2020 or so. There are now, I beleive four other towns like this in Ireland, and there are 36 or so across the UK and loads of others across the world.

    More people are starting to grow their own food than any other time, cos they know in another few years food will start to become so expensive that those who arent taking resposibility will have a very tough time.

    If you really want to know what is going on, get out of the city. Talk to the country folk, talk to the people who are connected to the reality of things. I dont think people in the cities know much and i dont think a lot of the scientists and goverments who live in cities know much really.

    The Revolution will not be televised


  12. The world is going to end in approximately 150 - 200 years..

    Its a very short time.. and its all our fault.

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