
Global warming awareness...?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know about a website or a store where i can buy "green" shirts or global warming awareness t-shirt where the profit or atleast a percentage of the profit goes towards organization or other global warming awareness campaigns....THANK YOU!!!




  1. satan rotschild: erm....forget to take your meds today?  really, there's somthing wrong with you, you need a shrink.  as to the question, has many t shirts about everything and anything. btw- global warming is a hoax, there is a new device invented that takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere but the enviros don't want it because it actually solves the problem without people having to sacrifice anything.  It's all about elites wanting control over people's behavior, and the movement to rake in money to "green" products and organizations.

  2. Become an activist in a cause worth far more than that.

    Tell your generation the REAL THREAT to their future!


  3. there is no such thing as global warming.

  4. Get over it. Come on for a ride in my Hummer and see how much gas we can burn.

  5. see the gasses like carbon dioxide,water vapor,nitrous oxide and ozone are present in the atmosphere.these gasses act like a glass not allowing the heat recieved from the sum by the earth to b reflected back into space..........they r harmful as they filter dangerous radiations from the sun.due to this the temperature of the earth increases and these gasses act like an insulating blanket keeping the earth warm..when these gasses r present in the right proportion they r beneficial....however a disturbance or increase in any of these gasses due to pollution and other factors cause warming of the atmosphere called as global warming.

    my opinion is that if this continues it will b very harmful to life on earth ........the glaciers will melt,sumerging the coastal areas.thus we should try to control pollution.

  6. we laugh and make fun of loonies who ware such non sense around here, then we see them go in to the trash can.

  7. You think awareness makes people do the right thing?  "Awareness" doesn't do anything.

  8. Why don't you have "green" shirts with the phrase

    "I'm with stupid".

    I have a question for you;

    Why is it that an overarming majority of the global warming groups liberal, anti-capitalism, or anti-free enterprise? It is not because none else wants clean air and water, it is because they know that this movement is nothing more than a push of governments and international organizations for more power over their citizens.

  9. why don't you just make one,,recycle an old shirt ,get some paint from the art department  from a store ,walmart or any craft store should have some.

      have fun

    however i do not believe in the global scam

  10. Satan Rotschild???????????????????????????????...

    lololololololoolololololololololololol... my! you get somuch craziness on yahoo answers she only wanted t know wher to buy a tshirt...ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my sides are killing me form laughing so hard at here explanation.....dont get me worng it was a great story...but I think she belives what she wrote......

    ok to answer i am sure you can google a store that my sell tshirts but they may not be "green" cause that my be out of your price range, now like a good hippie you can make them from himp and dye them yourselfs,................................. i started lauging again about Satan Rotschild...........ok I am ok again ..........nope i am sorry i have to laugh some more it is hard to type this way....................

    EDIT: she deleted her answer......


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