
Global warming blown out of proportion?

by  |  earlier

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i agree that we should all watch out for our carbon foot print because we might just kill the planet. but this is getting out of proportion! aparently we should not eat a full blown chrismas dinner because of the foot print, we shouldnt drink bottled waters, we shouldnt take long haul holidays, green IT, green bank account etc ....

there are more sinister things that could happen before we actually kill the planet: people are starving in Africa, ethnic cleansing, War on terror, tensions in the middle east. you want to save the planet? let it be my choice and dont charge/force me to do it. is it just me or do you guys think this thing is actually getting out of proportion?




  1. It's morons like you with your immature attitudes that are the reason people need to be FORCED to take steps... because they are not smart enough to do it on their own and they insist on living in denial.

  2. i think it is being blown out of proportion because it's just a stage of the planet, we didn't have cars back when the ice age hit last time round it's just another stage , there is no way we can stop it and never could stop it , maybe we could slow it down but we should have started doing that years and years ago it's our own fault we knew about it back in the 80's and just brushed it off. we just have to deal with it and not in the way by putting more tax on our resources and u also mentioned people starving in Africa, we should do something about it and fast we dont need to send food or money over because most of it actually doesn't  get to the people who really need it , we need to start to educate people into growing crops and send them seeds to grows they're crops or more countries should take in people who need our help , we are all human beings and we should help each other and not push them away and say " we dont want you in our country coz you take up all our jobs"  so what, id give up my job for those children to eat one decent meal and get healthy rather live in poverty and disease, people should wake up and stop being so selfish. peace and love

  3. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink............

  4. I don't think it is blown out of proportion. It is our responsiblity to take care of earth. It is our home we must take care of it.  Its immature people like you who do not research the impact that we have on Planet Earth.  We must recycle instead of depleting our natural resources.

  5. Of course it's blown out of proportion!  The political vultures smell additional tax revenues and they're foaming at the mouth to get their hands on it.  

    Just look at the latest plan from the Clinton camp...55 BILLION dollars she wants to steal from Oil and Pharmaceutical companies to spend on her election campaign promises...that money doesn't come from "big corporations", it comes out of the pockets of shareholders...people who've risked their own income in order to have a better future...people counting on that money as to not be a burden after retirement.  

    All in the name of "Universal Health Care" and "Global Warming"....two charges pressed against capitalists by socialists.

  6. Absolutely. Careful- you will bring the enviro- fascists out of the woodwork.

    AGW is being used as a tool to further control over our very lives.

    The first poster drives my point home.

  7. Some people have blown it out of proportion.

    All the governments of the world seem to be willing to wait and see if AGW is real before they start making major policy changes.

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